Chapter Eight. Part 3.

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Back in the car:

"Oh, Izzy! She's so cute!" Niall tells me refering to my little cousin Callie who is now fast asleep in the back of his car. We are on our way to Nialls house. 

I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I groan because I realise it is that time of the month. I look in my bag and realise I must have left my painkillers at home.

We walk into the porch area of the house, me holding Callies hand. 

"Ready?" Niall says looking at me.

"Bring it on!" I reply - cheesy but cool!

We take my things upstairs into Nialls room. Niall says that Callie can have the spare room if she wants. She does.

Then we enter the lounge.

The boys and my friends have brought all of the bedding down from upstairs and put it all over the floor they are now sitting in a circle in the middle of the room playing truth or dare.

As always Louis spots me first.

"Izzy! Niall and -" He says looking at Callie.

"Callie Rose!" I tell him.

"Callie! We invited the girls for a sleepover!" He shouts. 

"Hey Iz, want to come and play truth or dare?" Ocean says motioning me over. 

Niall picks Callie up and the three of us join the circle.

"I START!!!" Louis shouts.

We all nod.

"Okay - Ocean! Truth or dare?" He screams suddenly, causing Callie to jump.

"Ummmm, truth!" She decides.

Louis has to think.

"Fine - Have you ever had a serious relationship?" Louis asks grinning.

"Not really, they mostly last about a month!" She tells him.

Louis nods, looking very pleased with this new information.

"Okay. Ummm, Zayn. Truth or Dare?" Ocean says.

"Dare!"  He announces suddenly and looking like he immediatley regretted it.

"Okay, I dare you to.... let Jamie mess up your hair!" She laughs.

And Jamie gets up and messes his hair. She goes to sit back down but Zayn pulls her onto his knee.

"Izzy, Truth or Dare?" Zayn asks.

"Dare!" I say grimacing and hoping it was the right decision to make. Yes, I take this game very seriously.

"I dare you to go outside and lie in the snow for a whole minute." He exclaims - whilst Jamie fixes his hair.

"Nooooo!" I shout. But go outside anyway.

After everyone has counted to sixty we go back inside and I run upstairs to get changed out of my dripping wet clothes. 

When I come back down everyone is sitting on sofas talking and I have no idea what's going on. Harry is the only on not in the room, he is in the kitchen making something. Must be dinner. 

Niall wals up to me and says: "Izzy, Harry's making dinner and we're going to watch a film." 

I nod.

I walk over to where the others are arguing over film choices:

Ada and Harry want to watch 'The Notebook'.

Jamie and Zayn want 'Forrest Gump'.

Ocean and Louis are begging to watch 'Cinderella'.

And India and Liam want to watch 'The Hunger Games'.

I look at their four films and immediatley want 'The Hunger Games.' 

They all finally agree with me and after dinner and putting Callie to bed we all settle down  to watch the film.

Everyone decides to sit on the floor but I am still in extreme pain from my period so I sit on a sofa, Niall gets up off the floor and sits on the other end.

They have just entered the arena and we decide to pause the film and get popcorn. Everyone seems extremley close. 

Harry and Ada are lying on the floor laughing.

Jamie is sitting on Zayns knee and he has his arma around her waist.

Louis has his arms around Oceans shoulder.

And Liam and India are discussing the film in full detail when suddely Liam pulls her closer and kisses her passionatley on the lips. To say she looked surprised would be a huge undertatment. All the same - she kissed him back.

When Niall returns with popcorn he comes and sits closer to me which I am glad about, he passes the popcorn to Harry who begins chucking it into Ada's mouth.

We resume the movie.

Somehow Niall and I shuffle closer until he puts his arm around me and I lean on his chest. When the film finishes everyone retreats to their bedrooms. 

I don't need to tell you what they are doing.

"Izzy." Niall whispers and I look up.

"There was another reason why I wanted you to come and live with me. Not just that you needed a place to stay. The thing is-" He gabbles, but I cut him off by placing my lips on his.

His eyes light up. 

And he begins to kiss me back. I don't want to stop. 

But I pull away. 

I gaze into Nialls eyes.

"The thing is-" He continues. " I think I might be falling in love with you!"

HI guys, sooooooooooooo, they kissed. What did you think?

Here's a few answers to some questions I've had asked.

Lunar Blue is my real name!!! 

I don't have a boyfriend.

And the story and everyone in it are completley fictional!

Keep on reading,



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2013 ⏰

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