Chapter Eight. Part 1.

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Okay so this is my second chapter today! Again I will have a random dedication! This is just a little apology, if I dedicate something to you and you hate 1D I apologise!

Thanks for reading,

Lunar xxx

Whilst Harry and I were crying onto each others shoulders Zachary walked in. 

He tapped Harry on the back and Harry turned to face him.

"What were you doing to my Izzy?" Zachary asks.

I shake my head at him, but he ignores me.

"Your Izzy, you don't own her you know!" Harry retorts, I go and stand with the other boys.

Zayn gives me a look as if to say 'we have no idea what's going on'. I shrug and look back at Harry and Zachary.

They are both full on shouting now.

I walk towards Zachary and pull him away from Harry.

"GO HOME!" I shout into his ear.

He goes.

"Harry, I'm so sorry that happened." I say and he shrugs dragging me to go and meet the other boys.

"Guys, this is Izzy. She is kind of my sister/ best friend who I thought was dead!"  I smile.

"So, Izzy. Would you like to come out with us for dinner tonight, you two obviously need some time to catch up." Niall chirps.

I nod.


At a little cafe in the middle of nowhere.


We sat down at a large table and pulled up loads of seats. The boys had told me I should invite some of my friends. 

Harry, Ada, Jamie, Zayn, India, Liam, Ocean, Louis, Niall and I all sat round the table. 

Conversation started immediatley. 

Harry and Ada were discussing hairstyles?

Jamie and Zayn were talking about guitars.

India and Liam were ranting about the hunger games movie.

Ocean and Louis were having a full on conversation about the uses of carrots.

And Niall and I sat there in silence eating our pizza as quickly as we could so that we had a chance of getting seconds.

I'd probably better do some explaining about my friends.

Ada: Pretty, artistic, flirty and friendly. Looks: blond, wavy hair. Small elvish face. Thin.

Jamie: Adventurous, musical, prettier than she thinks and brave. Looks: Also blond, mad frizzy hair. Muscly.

India: Clever, writes a lot, friendly and funny. Looks: Long black hair, medium weight. Always has a massive smile.

Ocean: Flirty, loyal, funny and clever. Looks: Spiky brown hair, tall. Doesn't have a care in the world. Likes carrots.

Some would say that there was an interesting mix around the table. I would probably agree.

After Niall and I had our fourth helpings of pizza he nudged me and we both excused ourselves from the table to get some fresh air.

"So, everyone seems pretty much paired up." He tells me. It takes a moment for this to sink in but when it does I sigh.

We begin to walk.

"Harry explained to me about your life!" He says holding my arm to make me stop walking.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"I understand how you feel." He tells me.

I see true pain in his eyes as he begins to remember things from his past.

He starts to cry. If his memories are anything like as bad as mine, I understand why.

"Oh, Niall." I say pulling him into a hug.

After I hug him he begins to cheer up and we carry on walking down the country road.

We see a bench and both sit down.

"Right then, twenty questions!" He chirps and I laugh at his sudden enthusiasticness.

"You start." I laugh.

"Ummm, favourite colour?" 

"Green. You?" I say.

"Sames. Ummm, animal?"


"That's not fair, a carrot isn't an animal!" He sighs.

"They have feelings too!" I say and turn away from him in a fake huff.

The questions carry on for what feels like eternity.

Each answer as boring as the one before it.


"Family?" He asks.

"My Mum. And.... BUTTERFLIES!"  I say.

He looks at me confused.

"No, I'm not related to butterflies. My five year old cousin! Who I need to collect from the babysitters." I sigh.

"Cousin?" He is still confused, but I guess he can't read my mind.

"My Aunt and Uncle died in a car accident. They left their one year old daughter with my Dad. But he dissapeared so - she's basically my daughter." I say.

He looks sad and comes towards me.

"One more question!" He says and he begins to look really nervous.

"Okay. Fire away!" Cheesy I know, but this makes him smile. A lot.

"Would you and, ummm, your cousin, like to come and live with me- I mean us?"

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