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WARNING: Emetophobia
If you have Emetophobia (fear of puke) do the following:

Read this chapter normally until you see the line of #'s, when you do come across the hashtags scroll until you see them again, The part of this chapter that's in-between those hashtag lines will have mentions of 🤮 in it.

They both eventually fell back asleep and didn't wake back up until Jack and Tommy were shaking them awake, laughing.

Ranboo was the first to wake up. He looked up to see Tommy and Jack laughing while trying to shake him and Tubbo up which confused Ranboo until he fully woke up and realized the pillow him and Tubbo had put between each other to avoid contact wasn't what he was hugging. He froze as he saw Tommy take out his phone.

(Tubbo is on the top left, Tommy is on the bottom left, Ranboo is on the top right, Jack is on the bottom right)

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(Tubbo is on the top left, Tommy is on the bottom left, Ranboo is on the top right, Jack is on the bottom right)


Emetophobia warning start


Ranboo quickly got out of bed and ran into the bathroom, feeling like he was gonna be sick. Jack and Tommy were at the door soon after asking if he was ok.

Jack: Ranboo? Are you alright?

Tommy: Im sorry, I can delete the picture if you'd like.

Ranboo: Im fine I just need a secon-


Ranboo was kneeling on the ground next to the toilet in the middle of throwing up when he heard the door behind him slowly open. He looked over and saw who he thought was Tommy walk in, though he couldn't clearly tell through the tears that had appeared in his eyes as he was throwing up. He wiped his eyes and looked over to see Jack looking at him with a worried expression on his face as he closed the door behind him. Ranboo was about to say something but the second round of puke came up and he turned back to the toilet.

It had been half and hour and Ranboo was now alone in him and Tubbo's hotel room. Jack, Tommy, and Tubbo assumed he had gotten food poisoning and had all decided to let Ranboo have the room to himself that night.

(If you're confused as to how all 3 of them are gonna be able to sleep in 1 bed, they aren't. Jack made a bed out of blankets on the floor and Tubbo and Tommy slept in the bed.)

Ranboo felt guilty for lying to them. He told them he probably ate something bad when in reality the amount of butterflies he had when realizing he was that close to Tubbo was so overwhelming he'd do anything to get rid of them, so he chose to try and throw them up. He wanted to tell them the truth but didn't wanna make their first meetup awkward so he just went along with it.


Emetophobia warning over


Summary: Ranboo got sick and they all thought it was food poisoning so they let him have him and Tubbo's room to himself. He actually got sick bc he was nervous after being that close to Tubbo.

The next few days we're amazing, they vlogged, went shopping, went out to eat, and even bought Jack another wig like they'd talked about. Ranboo had realized that if he was focused enough on something else he could completely ignore his feelings for Tubbo, so he'd constantly suggest new places for them to go and new things for them to do. The others had  noticed how Ranboo was constantly asking to do something but they all thought it was because he was in a new place and wanted to see everything. The only time him and Tubbo were alone was at night when they all split up and went to their separate rooms but even then they were either playing board games or sleeping so neither of them really had time to think about their feelings. Everything was going great, until Jack and Tommy had to leave.

(666 words)

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