The parents. (pt.2)

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Before we start this chapter just thought I'd let you know I started writing it around the 4th of July so that will explain why I mentioned it in this chapter

Mrs.Smith: So are you 2 dating or something?

Ranboo froze as he noticed Tubbo turn to him and smile.

Tubbo: Yeah.

Ranboo looked over at Tubbo, the most confused he's been this entire trip and Tubbo just gave him a slight smile before looking away.

Tubbo: Just kidding

Both of Tubbo's parents laughed and then the 3 of them started talking about other random stuff. Ranboo tried to join in on the conversations but he always ended up thinking about what Tubbo said.

Was he really kidding?

What am I thinking of course he was

Ranboo excused himself and went upstairs to the bathroom. He didn't actually have to use the bathroom he just wanted to get away from Tubbo for a little. I mean they were gonna be together the next couple of months so you can't blame him for wanting space every now and then.

He ended up using the bathroom and changing into some pajamas, then he went and sat on Tubbo's bed and started scrolling through his phone. He went on Twitter and was looking at all the new fanart that's been made since they met up and the screenshots people have taken from streams.

 He went on Twitter and was looking at all the new fanart that's been made since they met up and the screenshots people have taken from streams

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He smiled slightly seeing how happy the fans were that they met up but it didn't last long

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He smiled slightly seeing how happy the fans were that they met up but it didn't last long. There was a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot that came from outside and he almost threw his phone. When he finally calmed down he put his phone on the bed and looked up, searching around the room trying to find what made the noise when Tubbo finally came upstairs.

Tubbo: Hey boo boy my parents are going to bed so we'll have to quiet down

Ranboo: Speaking of being quiet did you hear that loud bang?

Tubbo: Oh Yeah that was just a firework someone nearby set off

Ranboo: Why in the world are people setting off fire works?

Tubbo: Its the 4th of July idiot

Ranboo: People here celebrate the 4th of July?

Tubbo: Some of them I guess. I mean I can't think of any other reason they'd be setting fireworks off this late- or I guess this early in the morning.

Tubbo had a point. Ranboo never really celebrated the 4th of July since he never really understood what it was for but at least he knew what the sound was now.

Ranboo woke up at 2 in the afternoon. He didn't know what time they fell asleep but he noticed Tubbo wasn't in the room so he got up and went downstairs.

Ranboo: Tubbo?

Ranboo walked down the hallway which led to the kitchen but stopped when he heard talking.

Mrs.Smith: Ok well let me know if you two need anything, I'll be leaving now

Ranboo realized it was Tubbo's mom about to leave for work.

Tubbo: Bye! Oh and also there is a bit of a problem

Ranboo walked up to the doorway and knocked on the wall since the door was already open to make himself known, not wanting to hear something he wasn't supposed to.

Ranboo: Good morning

He said quietly since he had just woken up and was still nervous talking to Tubbo's mom since he didn't really know her

Tubbo: Good morning, you got here just in time!

Ranboo was confused. He then heard the doorbell ring and Tubbo walked off to get the door so it was just Ranboo and Tubbo's mom.

Mr.Smith: I ordered pizza for you 2 so you don't burn down the house while im gone

Ranboo nervously laughed, seeing that she was joking, before she spoke again.

Mrs.Smith: Toby let me know you don't have a place to sleep so I just wanted to ask if sleeping on an air mattress for a little bit until we figured something else out was ok with you?

Ranboo: Yeah that's fine with me

Ranboo was relieved he wouldn't have to sleep in the same bed as Tubbo. A few minutes passed and Tubbo was back in the kitchen with 2 boxes of pizza. Tubbo's mom left which left Tubbo and Ranboo home alone since Tubbo's sisters were out with friends so they ate and watched some TV, then Tubbo got a message and looked over at Ranboo.

Tubbo: So about Tommy..

Again, Sorry for not updating in a super long time I've been unmotivated. I also have no idea how im gonna end this fanfic so gives me some ideas 🙏

Next chapter will be about the Bench Trio Meetup and might have a little twist 👀

(791 words)

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