"I Bought A Trampoline Park"

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Tubbo: So about Tommy..

Ranboo shifted his gaze from the tv screen to Tubbo and gave a confused glance, then realizing Tubbo couldn't see his face.

Ranboo: What about him?

Tubbo: You know his Tom Simons channel?

Ranboo: Yeah?

Tubbo: He wants us to do a video with him for it

Ranboo sat there for a moment looking at the tv screen which displayed a paused, half watched movie before Tubbo spoke again.

Tubbo: He bought a trampoline park

Ranboo: This isn't gonna end well.

Half an hour later Ranboo was sitting in the backseat of Tommy's dad's car, the only sound being Tubbo humming along to the radio which was turned almost all the way down. Tommy looked back at Ranboo, who was looking out of the window, and Tubbo, who was on his phone.

Tommy: You boys ready?

Tubbo: Yep

Ranboo: I guess so

Tommy: George is gonna meet us there

Ranboo: How is he even getting there? He doesn't drive

Tommy: You're asking the wrong guy Ranboo

Their conversation was interrupted by Tommy's dad informing them they had arrived at their destination. Ranboo suddenly heard the sound of seatbelts unbuckling and doors opening. He quickly unbuckled himself and grabbed his phone before opening the door and stepping out. He noticed the parking lot was pretty much empty except for a couple of cars he assumed belonged to the workers. The 3 of them made their way inside and got everything ready while waiting for George. They all took their shoes off and Ranboo watched as Tommy spoke to the workers about everything. About 15 minutes had passed when Ranboo saw George walk in and start making his way towards them all. Ranboo stood up and started walking towards George to greet him since this was the first time they'd met irl.

Ranboo: Hey Geor-

Tommy: GOGY

Ranboo tried to take a step back as Tommy practically ran over him and into George, knocking the 3 of them over. Next thing he knew Tubbo was standing over them and laughing as Tommy made a fake crying sound and George was trying to untangle himself  from the mess. Around 20 minutes later they were all in the trampoline area, doing the intro to the video. After recording the video George and Tommy sat on the floor as Ranboo sat on a trampoline watching Tubbo jump around. They were all exhausted but Tubbo was determined to do 5 flips in a row.

Ranboo: Tubbo you're gonna be sick, just come sit down

Ranboo laughed as he saw Tubbo fall onto his back. Tubbo looked over at Ranboo and pretended to be annoyed.

Tubbo: Im gonna do it even if it kills me

George: It looks like it already has

They decided to let Tubbo try one more time before leaving. Tubbo ended up only being able to flip 3 times in a row before falling and decided it was close enough so they went ahead and left. They had been walking around and going into random stores that were near the Trampoline park for about 10 minutes before Tommy's dad  messaged him, informing him he was on his way. They had all decided to get slushies and were drinking them on their way back to the parking lot of the trampoline park. Ranboo and George had got blue slushies meanwhile Tubbo and Tommy had red ones.

Tommy: What if we mixed the blue and red slushie and then see what color it'd make

George: Wouldn't it make purple?

Tubbo: Aren't you colorblind?

They were eventually back in Tommy's dad's car and on their way home. They had been talking about random stuff like future streams and movies they wanted to watch. The car pulled into Tubbo's house's drive way and they said their goodbyes. As Ranboo and Tubbo were walking up the rest of the driveway to the front door they heard Tommy's dad's car drive away. Ranboo noticed Tubbo's parents were home as he looked over and saw their cars. The duo walked inside and saw Tubbo's mom cooking dinner.

Mrs.Smith: There you boys are I was wondering when you'd be home.

Mrs.Smith smiled as she spoke, making Ranboo feel a bit less nervous.

Mr.Smith: Did you have fun?

Mr.Smith said as he walked into the kitchen.

Tubbo: Yeah Tommy kept falling and I almost threw up

Mrs.Smith: That doesn't sound very fun

An hour later Ranboo and Tubbo were walking up the stairs towards Tubbo's room, They had ate dinner and spoke to Tubbo's parents before deciding to go to bed. As they walked in Ranboo saw an air mattress with a blanket and some pillows sitting on the floor of Tubbo's room.

Tubbo: Oh look you actually have a bed now

Ranboo: Knowing you I'll probably wake up in the middle of the night with you on top of me because you forgot I was there and ended up tripping over me

Tubbo: I'm gonna step on you while you're sleeping just to spite you now that you've said that

20 minutes later they were both asleep in their separate beds with the lights off in complete silence. Gn Beeduo :)

(920 words)
I actually had the motivation to write a somewhat decent chapter and I actually put detail into it this time lol next chapter will hopefully be abt MCC #15 and Im probably gonna end the story on part 21 or 22 so if you want me to add anything to the story before it ends lmk.

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