"Goodnight Tubbo."

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Everything was going great, until Jack and Tommy had to leave.
(Ranboo has been in the UK for around a week now)

They were outside of a restaurant getting into Jack's car after an hour of talking and eating. Jack was driving,  Tommy was in the passengers seat, Tubbo was sitting behind him, and Ranboo was behind Jack. Tubbo broke the silence after around 5 minutes of them all just looking out their windows.

Tubbo: Music anyone?

Jack: Why not

Ranboo just looked at Tubbo and nodded in agreement, not wanting to waste his energy to speak. Tubbo smiled and reached forward to turn on some music and Ranboo smiled when he heard the intro to "Best Friend" by Rex Orange County. He had saw multiple edits of Tubbo and Tommy on his Tiktok fyp using this song and the edits always made him happy. Tubbo and Jack seemed to know all the words and Tommy knew some of it but messed up every few lines. Ranboo just laughed as he saw all his friends singing and decided he'd sing along, making sure he was singing quietly so he wouldn't draw attention to himself since he refused to sing any other time.

(This part is just my favorite part of the song if you don't wanna read it just skip it)

I still wanna be your favorite boy
I wanna be the one that makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake and I can't wait to be your number, your number one, I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine but I still wanna break your heart and make you cry.

Jack turned down the radio as they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. Jack and Tommy had to go home tomorrow so they had a lot of packing to do the next day. They walked upstairs and said their goodbyes and while walking back Ranboo couldn't help but stare at Tubbo, only looking away when Tubbo's eyes met his. They walked into their hotel room and Ranboo sat on the bed while Tubbo went to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable. When Tubbo was finished and walked back into the main part of the hotel room he saw Ranboo asleep on their bed and tried to be as quiet as he could while walking over to turn off the lights. He walked to Ranboo's side of the bed and covered him up with the blanket, making sure his glasses weren't sitting in an uncomfortable way on his face. He whispered a "goodnight" as he walked back over to his side and smiled when he heard Ranboo reply.

"Goodnight Tubbo."

(452 words)

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