Not again

422 21 13

Shout-out to Itz_Loney for giving me the motivation to write another chapter. This one's short but I might even write 1 or 2 more later tonight 👀 Its 3:11am so Im sorry if this chapter makes so sense

(Where we left off:)

They were both exhausted after carrying so much stuff up and down stairs and It only made Ranboo feel worse when he realized something that made him regret ever coming to the UK.

There was only one bed.

Why does this keep happening.

Ranboo looked over at Tubbo and asked the infamous question.

Ranboo: So.. Where do I sleep?

Tubbo: Crap.

Ranboo couldn't sleep on the couch because it'd be uncomfortable and Tubbo's parents would be coming home late so they didn't wanna risk accidentally waking Ranboo up when walking into the house. They both sat in silence while they thought and Tubbo had an idea.
Tubbo: I can just sleep on the floor

Ranboo: No Tubbo-

Tubbo: No its fine, seriously, I can make a bed with blankets

Ranboo: Tubbo Im not gonna make you sleep on the floor.

Tubbo: You aren't making me though, Im choosing to.


Ranboo sighed knowing Tubbo wouldn't give in that easily. Tubbo sat up and looked at Ranboo as Ranboo stared back in confusion.

Tubbo: Why don't we just share my bed?

(225 words)

The long awaited day - Bee duo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now