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"Your name will be Osman!"

A smile spread out on everyone's lips as the Sheikh Ibn-Ul-Arabi himself named Ertugrul's promised child. Ertugrul's eyes fixed on his son, as he recalled everyone dreaming about the arrival os Osman by turn. Taking a step ahead, he took him back in his arms, and lovingly put a kiss on his forehead.

"May Allah always keep you on his path. May you be the protector of justice my son. Be worthy of your mother's milk. Be worthy of your ancestor's blood."


The whole tribe filled with happiness as they were about to start their new journey towards Söğüt with the good news of their Bey's newborn child. After the naming session, Osman was taken back to his mother who was resting in her tent.

Night time engulfed the tribe and marque was emptied. Assuring everything, Ertugrul went back in his tent, where his new born was peacefully sleeping in his wife's arm, who was equally having deep sleep. He took a seat on the bed softly.

"My Halime..." He caressed Halime's forehead. "My Beloved... My gazelle-eyed wife... Mother of my three children..."

"Our Osman is here My Halime." He smiled as he said those words. Ertugrul continued to caress her cheeks as she slept soundly.

The thumb of Ertugrul having tribal ring skimmed her soft yet pale cheeks. Halime's eyes closed, her face looked quiet white.

After a minute, Halime tiredlessly opened her eyes to see Ertugrul's face waiting for her. Having no power left, she gave him a tired smile not knowing if her soul would leave her body right now.


"Oh Allah... I am leaving my children and my wife under your protection. Help me... help me to get through this!!" Ertugrul lowered his hands, his eyes shining bright, but with the water droplets.

The crying Osman's voice took his attention, and he gathered his prayer mat. Hayme and the nurses attented Osman. Ertugrul walked towards his marque. Going inside, he sat on the bed, besides his wife. His sleeping unwell wife.

Her heart is too weak right now to respond to the pain of after birth. Her heart is shutting down Bey'im. The old wound on her heart is freshening. We need to do something soon, her condition is too critical. It will take time, she won't be in her senses till then.

And... I.. Uh.. I can't say how much it is going to take.

Artuk Bey's word rang in Ertugrul's ears everytime he looks at Halime. They all managed to provide Osman milk to make him live, but he needed his mother. His condition began to worsen too. Ertugrul didn't knew what to do. And on his head, Noyan re-appeared.

The state was in another problem. But at this time, all Ertugrul only wanted was too see his Halime all fine again. Her condition was eating him up inside.

Caressing Halime's cheeks, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Be fine soon, My Gazelle. My sweetheart. I really wish to Allah to see your beautiful eyes open when I come back, or he won't return me ever!" Leaving Halime's hand, Ertugrul stood up and left, giving her a last look.


"Ertugrul is off to his journey. Tribe is almost without protection. You are having a good chance to end them. You failed last time with others, but atleast finish the Kayi's, they will automatically get weak. Do anything, but do. And it shouldn't fail this time! Or else..." The soldiers voice trailed off read the last paragraph of letter.

The lavishing window of the palace threw the sharp sunlight on floor, opposite to the throne. The sunlight casted the deep shadow of the man standing near the throne.

"Demek... Ertugrul is not in tribe!" The grumpy voice spoke up, his lips curling into smirk. His eyes threw the impression of all possible plans he could've in his mind.

The shadow unsheathed his sword, walking more towards the throne. He ran his finger on the edge on sword softly, and in a blink aggressively inserted sword on the throne.

"Your time is up now, Ertugrul!" His voice laughed, screen running from the shadow to the ceiling of the well-renovated palace.

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