Past re-emerged

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After sometimes...

Ertugrul went back in his marque to discuss things about the matters he was dealing with. Ilbilge was with Hafsa in the spare making, as Hafsa made the soup for Osman. Ilbilge intentively watched Hafsa, as her face was washed with worries, just like a mother! She thought.

But then Ilbilge's mind went to the other thing, his mother. Why she never saw her around? Mother runs first for her child's anything. But Ilbilge couldn't find within herself to ask, so she let it be!

"The soup is ready." Hafsa said out, smiling, as her face always is. Innocent and smiling, just like her nature.

"Uh-should I give this soup to... Osman, Hafsa Hatun?" Ilbilge said a little hesitant. Probably trying to make-up for her mistake, in Osman's eyes.

Hafsa's face got down. Such a strange thing for a stranger to ask on the first day of being in a tribe. Anyways! She thought.

"Actually Ilbilge Hatun, I will just look out if Osman needs any other thing too... You... you can come with me." She declined as politely as she can. No ways she will let a stranger in the tent of Bey's children that too on her first day, which she wished to be last there.

That too with the hint of arrogance she showed!

Ilbilge's fading smile tried to remain as it is, but it hassled. She just nodded her head, and stood to walk behind her.


The two ladies entered the tent, where Osman settled himself. He straighten up seeing them. He kept a neutral face, but his eyes showed the dislike for Ilbilge's presence, If anyone could read his eyes. Hafsa gave him a warm smile, Ilbilge too did. But dare if he would even give Ilbilge a look.

He was only quiet because of his father, the one who never forgives those who ruins his work.

"How are you feeling now Osman?" Hafsa asked stroking his forehead.

"Good now, thank you!" Hafsa took her seat besides him and offered him soup. Ilbilge remain stood near them. Osman took some sip and looked at Hafsa.

"It's tasting same as that of my Ana, Hafsa teyze." Osman said with eyes shining on the name of his mother. His mother. Ilbilge got attentive, this is the first time she heard of her. Curiousity build inside her more, as she wanted to know more about his mother.

Osman sighed, sadly! "I wish my Ana would've been here today. I am missing her so much." Osman uttered with his eyes on the bowl.

Hafsa took some moments to reply something suitable, but she couldn't find any.

"That's okay Osman. Drink in and be fine sook, huh!" He saw her and nodded in yes, continuing with his drink.

So the children are motherless!

The only thing that striked Ilbilge's mind. She understood as why she couldn't find her till now. Ilbilge's thought deepened to how many time it might have since the death of his mother.

And since how much time Ertugrul Bey is without a woman...

The inner voice inside of her replied, but her face showed no shock at such thought.

"Abi..." Osman's eyes diverted towards the voice, he saw Ceylan standing at the tent. He smiled at her sweetly.


"Turgut, I want names of everyone involved in this. There's someone who wants to stab me in the back. They want to play games, they clearly don't have the strength to come forward and face me. Go and investigate in every shops, every people, even children if needed of Soğut." Ertugrul clenched his sword tightly, things are going to be tough.

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