Some doubts

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The tribe's drums started to beat, breaking everyone's trance of work, as people wondered who came. It was not long after, they realised it was the same stranger who almost saved the life of their Bey's son. This time the woman made her entry in the tribe alone with her two Alps, same as previous.

Halime came out of her workshop, away from the main tent, where she saw Ilbilge Hatun, but she knew the other woman didn't noticed Bey's wife. Halime stood at her place observing her, with a straight face. She sensed someone stood besides her, it was her mother-in-law, Hayme. Hayme too observed Halime's expressions for a second before giving no heed.

"She's Ilbilge Hatun, the woman we said about, Halime. Come, meet her." Hayme said placing her palm on Halime's elbow, wanting her daughter-in-law fo accompany her, but rather saw Halime didn't budged.

"Yok Ana... I am having some works, I'll talk to her later when Ertugrul will come." Halime said to Hayme but not turning to face her. Halime backed, and went from there.

Ertugrul went to Söğüt a day before, for his left out works. He was going to come today, Halime wondered if Ilbilge's arrival today was just a coincidence.


"Aahhhh!" Dragos threw the metal glass of his hand far away, roaring out loud.

The news of Uranos being catched by Ertugrul and his Alps made him utterly furious. The informations Uranos had were too precious for him to be known by Ertugrul. Even more important than Uranos' life itself. And Dragos knew it.

"I don't want Uranos to reveal anything to Ertugrul, kill Uranos. Infiltrate the tribe, kill him and hide in the tribe. We will attack them soon!" Dragos ordered in rage getting up from his seat.

"But Efendi... He..."

"...Do as I say! I don't want to hear any if's and but's" He interrupted the soldier, not letting him complete.

The order of their mate getting killed shocked them all, but no one had audacity to object the order they gets from their master. They know they'll lose their life if they'll do so, everyone was hesitant, yet proceeded to carry out the orders.


Ilbilge stayed in Kayi Tribe im guest tent, for an hour or two, waiting for Ertugrul. Her intentions of coming wasn't really clear to anyone, but if there was something, it was Halime who made sure to not have any encounter with her before Ertugrul's arrival.

The latter woman's presence was irking Halime more by each and every passing second. Not only because of the way the woman spoke about her husband, but was fast enough to state the childrens as orphan. As possessive for Ertugrul, Halime equally was possesive for their children in any terms.

And being alive and well, hearing their children as orphan won't sit well with any woman in any sense.

Ertugrul came back to the tribe after an hour, of almost everyone waiting. Osman was standing by the stairs of the main marque, when Ertugrul arrived. He gave Osman a smile, which Osman returned wryly, making Ertugrul feel weird. He climbed down the horse, and walked towards Osman.

"Hoş geldin Baba." Osman greeted, taking a step towards Ertugrul. Ertugrul nodded in return and took a brief look of surrounding, searching for anyone. But there wasn't anyone.


Ilbilge came out of the tribe taking Ertugrul's attention off Osman. Her sudden and unexpected presence didn't fit well with Ertugrul, and his very first instinct was Halime.

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