When she came

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"Bey, Osman is not in the tribe."
Bamsi's words captured Ertugrul's attention. He sharply gave him a stare. A hint of danger hit Ertugrul, as he heard those words. Osman has been so handful always, which is why Ertugrul strictly restricted him to go hunting without his permission. Osman makes sure to bring any stunt with him every single time he leaves the tribe.

"Where is he? And why he is not in tribe?" Ertugrul turned towards him.

Hesitation filled in Bamsi, thinking what to answer, he stuttered without saying any word.

"Oğul..." Hayme called him before Bamsi could say anything, basically defending him. Ertugrul saw her.

"He went for hunting. I.. I let him go, I sended Alps with him too, but.." Hayme sighed taking a pause. "...they came back a while ago, Osman and they lost track of each other." Ertugrul tightly squeezed his eyes shut.

All of them knew how clear lie it was. Osman never lost the track, instead he intentionally made it.

"Oh My Allah!!" Ertugrul frustratedly spoke out, he may restrict him from anything, but deep down Ertugrul could never explain his fear of losing his any family member, after losing one already.

"Nene..." Gunduz and Savci along with Berat Alp, one of close friend of Gunduz, came inside the tent in hurry. Their steps stopped seeing Ertugrul present, they were shocked, not expecting him there. They immediately acknowledged the storm about to come.

"Did you find him?" Ertugrul asked. Gunduz's tensed body loosened up. He walked forward.

"No.. no Baba." Gunduz answered him.

"Allah!!" Ertugrul was trying hard to keep his patience. Osman has always been the one to break rules.

Just like Ertugrul!

But since Ertugrul himself is a father now, it worries him to death. He can't afford to lose any of them now. He don't have that much energy left to take up another death of his family.

"Bamsi, tell Abdurrahman to send more Alps, tell them to find Osman anyhow!" Ertugrul closed his fist, as stress took over him bad. They were in situations like this before many times, but not for this long.

Mountain side...

The dry leave crackled, as Osman hid behind the large stone, eyeing the family of prisoners in captive of a man at the distance. They were probably trying to keep the prisoners safe, in their clutches. They lost their some men, not knowing to whom.

His eyes scanned the opposite place, a large tree and bushes, with intention to hide there after throwing more arrows. He wanted to play safe. Osman raised his bow, stretching it further, but his hands stopped as he heard footstep.

The empty front place was now occupied with a stranger, covering with hood, having thin and small appearance. He gasped not knowing him or her.

The person removed the hood from head, and the eyes said it was a woman, her face still covered. She took a step ahead.

"What happened?" She said out loud, Osman felt his breath stopped. This woman is throwing the prisoners in danger, taking his chance of saving them.

"Ssshhh!!!" Osman immediately acted quiet sign telling her to keep quiet. He pointed his finger on the soldiers and prisoners far away. She looked over, and to Osman again.

"What? What happened child? Are you in danger?" The woman still stepped ahead scaring Osman, not for himself but for them.

"Keep quiet... Keep quiet!!" He slowly told her to do so, but it was too late. The catholic soldier's attention was already drawn towards them. It tenses Osman way too much.

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