The matters

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"Hayme Ana said you went to Konya to take me..."

"...or it was this Ertugrul?" Halime said, pulling the envelope from beneath their pillow, making Ertugrul's breath hitched. He undoubtedly was speechless and a glint of guilt covering his face as he never looked at Halime's face.

The last thing Ertugrul wanted to say to Halime, which she eventually found out. He felt soo stupid to not hide it in good place, but he never expected her to come back to tribe that day at all.

Gathering some courage without any words, Ertugrul looked upto Halime. She tightly crumbled the cloth letter in her hand, but her face held neutrally painful expression.

"Halimehh..." Ertugrul's voice trail off at the end of her name. "I can explain. Please listen to me!!" Ertugrul said with slight desperation in his voice.

Halime didn't said anything, but he knew she will listen. Their relationship was never perfect, they argues many time, even more than they initially thought. But they always gives a chance and space to each other as well to themselves.

Though Halime was upset, he knew she will listen. He wanted nothing else.

"This letter was sent to us by Uranos. Ofcourse we understood he has his hand behind these things, and someone else we don't know also helps him.". Ertugrul took short pause and took Halime's left hand in his.

"We had a feeling that it was trap, and we were right. We managed to catch Uranos, and we will hopefully figure this all Halime." Halime sighed closing her eyes for a second.

She knew Ertugrul always do his best for what he can, but she doesn't like it when he hides things from her. Even though he has reason, and he was right somewhere, so was she. They had issues in the past regrading this topic which somehow scares her.

"But why you didn't told anyone here? Or you said them to not tell me anything when I'll come back Ertugrul? Or you just thought you'll finish it before I will be back till afternoon?". Halime asked as calmly as she could.

But her sentence were confusing Ertugrul to some extent.

"No.. no Halime..." He said furrowing his brows because of confusion. "I didn't said anyone in tribe because I didn't wanted to give them empty hope or to tense them. But how I would've known you'll be back by afternoon?" Ertugrul said, thinking he himself was soo surprised upon listening the first thing after coming back to tribe was Halime's return.

Now Halime felt bewildered too. Ertugrul might've hid some things but he never lies, specially to her.
Halime straightened up and faced Ertugrul more closely.

"How could you not Ertugrul? I sent a letter yesterday to you saying I will be back and don't tell this to anyone.". Halime seriously asked him keeping her minutes ago's issues aside.

"What?" Ertugrul felt the shock too.

"I never got any Halime. I didn't even knew." Ertugrul said to her, to which Halime didn't replied a single thing. She took a long breath.

Things started to get messed up. They knew the disappearance of letter has absolutely something to do with this traitors. Ertugrul put his arm on Halime's shoulder, pulling her little close.

"Don't worry. I will find whoever is behind this and I will solve all this." Halime gazed him hearing those lines. She never doubted him for even a second. She knew he will do it if she said, and that's why it least worried her right now.

Halime didn't realised how long she was staring at him with grave expressions. "My Halime... Please don't worry. I don't like it seeing you like this." Ertugrul said cupping her face with his other hand. He genuinely feels bad seeing worrying lines on her. Halime raised his one eyebrow.

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