Unexpected distress

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Next day:

Ertugrul placed his hand on Halime's elbow from behind, bringing her out of the trance she seemed while keeping out some extra clothes. Halime turned her neck to see him.

"Are you okay?"  Ertugrul asked worriedly and turned her around to face him.

"Uh... Yes."  Halime answered absent mindedly. Not that anything big was bothering her, she just had her own doubts. But she wasn't sure if she should plant the seed of doubt in his mind too, or if her husband suspects something like that. She didn't knew anything.

"Halime..."  Ertugrul's firm voice disturbed her thoughts, once again. It was a sign, rather a silent assurance for Halime to pour out her heart without any hesitation and share her worries with her husband.

"Ertugrul... It's just ..."  Halime sighed. Giving up on irrational and doubtful options.

"Ertugrul I can't help but this Ilbilge Hatun seems suspicious to me. I don't think I am much convinced with her story of those prisoners."  She stopped, trying to read his expressions.

The real reason she hesitated sharing with Ertugrul was, she didn't wanted to came across as some over jealous woman. She already has shared in details about the feelings of other woman for her husband, upon which, Ertugrul already assured her and understood her.

And now even when her doubts had rational intention, she feared her man might take it in the other way.

"Ertugrul... I..."

"It's okay Halime. I understand. She sounded suspicious. And even if she doesn't, we are not going to trust anyone blindly. We have faced many betrayal in the past. You rightly have your some suspicions."

As if reading her mind, Ertugrul exactly said what not what she wanted, but what she needed to hear. Halime smiled and nodded her head at him.

"You don't have to worry Halime. I will take care of that."  Ertugrul stated cupping Halime's face.

Ertugrul had idea of what can run in his wife's mind, after knowing her from eighteen years. Their marriage was not always the best, but atleast they knew more than half of the time about what to say to their better halves, to assure them. And it was a factor Ertugrul was so grateful in their marriage. He even heard from his wife of same.

"Yes My Bey, I have no doubt."  Halime said sweetly smiling at him, which never failed to make his heart happy.  "Now I will just go and take a look at Ceylan. She hasn't in one place right after getting up. I swear she is getting so wild day by day."  It made Ertugrul chuckle.

He knew without any uncertainty that this is exactly how their little daughter is. And the girl never failed to prove them right.

"I wonder whom she got that from."  He playfully taunted her applying the possibility of Ceylan taking after her mother's mischievous trait.

"Ertugrul... Stop!"  Halime scolded him, while he giggled.

"She's just like you, for real!"  Ertugrul laughed out loud, while she helplessly shook her head.

Exactly the habits and things like this is what makes Ertugrul so similar with Ceylan. And he without fail remembers everytime to take pride in it.


"Bey... What should we do now? That Uranos isn't speaking anything."  Turgut said to his Bey, all of them unaware of their head's any new plan.

Ertugrul was pacing front and back in the main marque of tribe. The new danger of Uranos was obviously not going to end soon anytime, he was sure of that. But now, they needed to take steps carefully because somewhere this matters were related to the people of Ertugrul's family.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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