Halime's arrival

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Next day...

Ertugrul entered the marque reading tax related issues in the paper, he was holding. Bamsi and Turgut followed him. They didn't mind the four Bey children trying to do something in the middle of the tent. Apparently, they were trying to figure out something, with Ceylan standing and watching them.

"Bamsi, is there any news on those Prisoners?" Ertugrul folded the paper amd asked, as he looked up to Bamsi.

"No Bey. We are finding them." Bamsi answered, and Ertugrul nodded thinking something. There was a lot to not live in thinkings.

"And, any news from Konya yet?" This time Ertugrul hoped for a positive answer, but to him Dismay Bamsi nodded no for that too.

"No, Bey'im." Ertugrul sighed slowly.

"...Not like this Gunduz brother! You are messing it up all." Ceylan's voice made Ertugrul look at them. Apparently boys seemed confused as hell, while Ceylan stood with her hand on her waist. Absolutely adorable little boss of them. Ertugrul smiled.

Gunduz stuttered a bit. "Uh-.. Am I not doing it right Ceylan Hanim?" Gunduz asked her, very formally showing his fake fear. Ceylan nodded in no fastly.

"You have to hold the right corner of the rug first, Abi. Look at Savci Abi and Osman Abi." Ceylan squeezing her eyes, prompted the act of keeping hands on her waist again.

"Uh-oh... Sorry! I will do it more better now." Gunduz said, as Osman and Savci giggled heartly. They were changing the marque's rug. It was an obvious idea of Ceylan to do it by herself, which lead to tri brother interfering in it, with a very lame excuse of 'wanting to learn to change mat.'

Ertugrul laughed too, as he knows well the command of siblings belong to whom. Being the only girl after long time, and being small, Ceylan was highly spoiled and loved by all.

"You both too did mistakes initially, it's bad to laugh at your big brother." Ceylan's target changed to Osman and Savci, seeing them laughing on Gunduz. They shut their mouth immediately controlling their laughter.

"Tamam, tamam..."

The rug was changed, and their work was done. The brothers placed things a their original position. Ceylan looked at it, closing her eyes a bit, actually taking a good look. She roamed a little, and stopped, with a smile.

"Hmm... I see, it's good." She raised her head above, to see the faces of three of them. She always seems to tiny. "...you all did good work. It's good to see you are learning well. I like it. Keep it up." Ceylan's smile spread further, giving his brother's compliment. Ertugrul along with Bamsi and Turgut laughed again, this girl can make anyone whole day laugh with her antiques.

"We are so glad, Ceylan Hanim. Ofcourse, all because of you, that you taught us so well." Savci spoke up this time, making all giggle, while Ceylan smiled too, not understanding the sweet taunt she got.

"So... Ceylan Hanim was teaching her brothers basic chores, huh!" Ertugrul said from behind and they looked to him, Gunduz and Savci sided a bit, and Ertugrul walked further. He goes near Ceylan too kneel on her level.

Ceylan nodded her head on yes. "Yes, Baba. Although I have taught them before too. They forgets, I don't understand what's going on. But you don't worry, I am working on it. Okay!" Ceylan said pouting a little, while Ertugrul smiled and pulled her closer.

"Don't worry, they will learn slowly. After all, they are not expert like you, isn't it! Now you go and play." Ertugrul said to her lovingly, seeing her cute face, couldn't resist the urge to kiss on her cheeks, so he did. And Ceylan left. He stood up, seeing them standing while they smiled too.


Konya Caravansary

Ilbilge reached the Konya caravansary, meeting her father. And they discussed the things they were about to do. Ilbilge got a little late, so she was having lunch with one other woman at table, and not other who usually gathers and eat. Ilbilge walked with Neylan, her close and only friend from the tribe. They walked, and sat down on the table with a woman sitting opposite to them.

The woman's appearance young and charming, her attitude catched her eyes as she looked cautiously through some papers in her hand. Ilbilge shrug off, and sat at the table. Currently only three of them occupied it. Ilbilge felt the woman raised her head and took a look of her face, and really quickly changed her gaze.

As if she was not so interested in there presence.

Food were served and they all began. Waiting for the people too leave the place.

"I heard you were in Kayi Tribe, Ilbilge Hatun. Is that true?" Neylan asked, taking her first bite. Just at the mention, the woman's eyes raised and shot a sharp look at them, to which both woman seemed unaware.

Ilbilge nodded, taking a morsel. "Yes... I was. I encountered Ertugrul Bey's younger son in an incident at the forest. He was injured. I took him, and I was there, which took my time." She said, her eyes half on food she was eating and switching to Neylan.

"Oh, I see. Okay! Well, almost every Turkmen tribes wants to meet Ertugrul and his wife. Everyone knows about their victory and their works they do together. So how are they really? Like everyone talk or different?"

"Well, I must admit Ertugrul Bey is absolutely like everyone said. Infact, more than that... Uh.. like,.more generous and humble. And he absolutely don't look like father of four children." Ilbilge said, her face having tinty smile on his mention, which not only go noticed by Neylan, but by the guest sitting on the front seat.

Each and every words of Ilbilge were carefully grasped by her, cleverly hiding some expressions she didn't wanted to show them.

"But... his wife, she is no more in this world. I heard his younger ine saying how much he misses her." Neylan's face showed little pity on the mention, but Ilbilge's none. Seems like the last straw for her, listening to absolute wrong talks of Ilbilge.

Just as she was about to say something, a woman interrupted.

"Halime Sultan..." Her voice drew the attention of three ladies. The one sitting alone reciprocate as she was called by, but Ilbilge and Neylan seemingly shocked, looked over to them. The woman who called was standing besides Halime Sultan, wanted to say something when will she will give permission.

"Yes...?" Halime tilted her head on her right side and answered her in extremely soft voice, as if honey laced them.

"There's a visitor for you... Regarding that matter..!" The woman addressed calmly with so much respect in her voice, not disclosing the information in strangers presence.

"Tamam... I am coming, tell our Alps to take him in the lawn." Halime said to her, she nodded, and went away.

Siding the plate, Halime stood. While two Alps come walked ahead, ones who accompanies her. Ignoring the glued eyes of Ilbilge and Neylan on her, Halime exited the place. Neylan and Ilbilge looked at each other, then.

"Selcuk Sultana... But why was she here, in a common caravansary?" Ilbilge asked, to which Neylan nodded. The information was equally new to her.

"I also don't know Ilbilge Hatun." She answered, and both decided to just shrug off.


"Ertugrul's wife in not in tribe from sometimes now. No one knows why, and Ertugrul is planning to leave for somewhere, probably tomorrow." A soldier announced, as he was asked this information.

"That means Ertugrul is slowly falling in Dragos's trap. I want to make him so vulnerable that he himself will fell on his knees infront of me." Dragos evilly said, as he clutched the glass kept on table hardly.

"Ertugrul will be in my hands tomorrow but keep an eye on his daughter. She is of so much use for us. We will take her once we will kill Ertugrul and his whole tribe to bloodline. Now go! Dragos threw the glass carelessly on floor with a smirk. And the soldier went away bowing his head.

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