Setting trap

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"Go to the river side, Hatun, and inform me when the work is done. I am packing my things, I will be off for tribe tomorrow. Did Alps sended the letter to Ertugrul Bey?" Halime Sultan said to the woman, both passing the staircase, near hall's door.

The woman smiled and said, "Yes Halime Sultan, Alps sended the letter yesterday night only to Ertugrul Bey that you are going back, also to make sure it will be a surprise for everyone else."

"Great, Thank you!" Halime thanked her, but as she was about to turn, she bumped into someone. It was Ilbilge Hatun. Not a very pleasant look appeared on Halime's face seeing her. Apparently, she can sense all the feelings this woman have for someone else's husband.

"Oh I am sorry, my mistake." Ilbilge replied first, being as polite as she can. Halime just hummed and nodded her head slightly.

"Excuse me... I had something to ask you." Ilbilge said to Halime, who was about to walk away. Halime saw her.


"Actually... there's a little dinner today in the hall by our tribe, would you like to join us??" Ilbilge askes smiling, hoping for a positive answer from the Sultana.

Halime felt weird as never before, she knew very well why this sudden humbleness from a stranger was coming, but she remains patient to deal things in her own. But not this time!

"Oh... Thank you for asking, but I do have more important works to do. Excuse me now!" Halime's eyes held a sudden sharp attitude, making Ilbilge go all neutral. Giving a sarcastic smile to her, Halime walked away.

Ilbilge clutched hands together, and gulped hard. She was not habitual of attitude, but yet here she bear one.

"So much attitude for nothing, these royals are like this only. She spoke to me like this, she don't even know I am Umur Bey's daughter." Ilbilge angrily said to Neylan, raising her neck in pride. Feeling all dejected, Ilbilge went away from there.


Kayi Tribe

Hayme was waiting in the marque for Ertugrul, while the Alps stood ready there. Ertugrul came out of his tent, being ready to go. Ceylan was standing near Hayme too, smiling.

"Baba, bring my Ana back soon. Okay!" Ceylan said to Ertugrul stood on other side. Ertugrul smiled seeing her.

"Okay My Rose. I will bring her back very soon, till then take care of everyone." Ertugrul told, acting to be serious.

Ceylan squeezed her eyes listening it, and nodded her head in no. "No, I have to do preparations for welcoming my Ana. You have to give this responsibility to my brother's this time."

"Ohh.." Ertugrul giggled out. "Is it so? Okay then. Do your preparations well. Ana, we will leave now." Ertugrul turned to Hayme, and took her permission.

Hayme nodded her head, yet noticing the worrying lines appeared on Ertugrul's forehead. Indicating something serious, but she knew this was not the time to bring such topic. Ertugrul with his Alps, walked out of the marque.

"My Halime... What's this thing covering your face, love?" Ertugrul asked Halime, who was busy in thoughts sitting on bed. Halime looked at him, confusingly.

"What? It's nothing." She touched her face to be sure.

Ertugrul shifted to her side more. Taking her hands in his, he made Halime look at him in his eyes.

"Then why do I see worrying lines? Hmmm..? Is there anything bothering you, wife?" Ertugrul asked.

Halime nodded in no. "It's probably just..." She kept her hand on her grown belly. "...your daughter has tired me so much today."

Ertugrul chuckled. Halime was in her last trimester with their fourth child. And this time, she had strong feeling it would be a girl. Something Ertugrul badly wanted after three boys. Just by the Halime's confidence, he has also accepted that they will be going to have a girl this time. For which he couldn't contain his excitement.

He will always bloom with happiness just by mentioning of baby as daughter. Halime always wondered what he would do once the baby will be here.

"Okay. I know it's tough for you, and I will help as much as I can. But you sure there's nothing else right. Is there anything about the guests we are having from Damascus?" Ertugrul was satisfied, still asked to be sure.

The tribe were having two guests from Damascus, in work of rugs and carpets. This was one of the biggest deal they were dealing with, and the guests were going to stay more time there. But still Ertugrul couldn't trust strangers, he has to be sure with everything going on and coming.

"No Ertugrul, I understand your concern for our safety, but I haven't encountered anything suspicious yet. Like, I don't know... but... It's just... It's so different this time." Ertugrul was intently listening to her. This phase has made it hard to explain herself, yet he understands everything she would not be able to speak. "This whole pregnancy, I had a different feeling or... or something.. something in me I can't make you understand."

Ertugrul hold her hand, as she got a little hyper explaining the thing happening with her. She stopped as he hold her hand, Halime saw him with the eyes that always melted him inside.

"I know... and I am here, right with you. Right now all you want to do is take care of yourself and our little princess." He stated taking Halime in his arms, as Ertugrul caressed Halime's belly, while she closed her eyes relaxing herself.
As Ertugrul continued to softly stroking the stomach, only he knew how badly he has been waiting for what seems like forever, to hold his girl in his hands.


The forest area mostly empty was filled with the men today, working on something seemed like a trap. They had been setting a hidden trap for someone. The other man with a hunchback saw it all standing at a distance, with probably a smile on his face.

"Master Dragos..." His partner, or one who appeared to be his most loyal men, Uranos called him. Dragos turned to him.

"All the trap are perfectly set. We will catch Ertugrul this time for sure." Uranos said, to which Dragos smirked.

"The most awaited death is coming now. Bring those two too, we will kill them with Ertugrul. After all, Ertugrul deserves to know the truth before his death." Dragos ordered him, and Uranos complied, bowing his head to him, he went away from there.

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