Coffee Pt.1

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The next morning...


Right now I'm at the cafe across from my apartment, lining up for breakfast and my morning coffee! My favourite coffee is americano by the way, oh! It's my turn now.

" Hi, welcome to(cafe name)! What can I get for you?" the barista greeted me with a warm smile "Uhm...can I get hot americano and two chocolate brownies please?" I was hesitant for a while but because there are so many choices "that will be 7500 won. Cash or Card?" The barista informed me after he counted my orders price "Cash please"

When I was going to take out my wallet I accidentally dropped it on the floor. Before I reached my wallet, someone had already taken it. When I look at the person she's wearing a mask but oh my days....her eyes are captivating

Her eyes look like lightfury though. Suddenly she giggled a bit "I heard that a lot thank you by the way and here" and gave me my wallet back. I did not say that out loud aigoo "ah gamsahamnida. And by the way, let me treat you a drink, what do you wanna drink? '' she quickly waved her hands while shaking her head a bit. "gwenchana you don't have to~" nah ain't happening miss "I insist miss, consider it as a thank you from me" She looked over the list of drinks before deciding what to drink.

"if you say so hmmm.....I would like to have caramel macchiato please" I flashed an 'okay' sign at her before turning towards the barista again "can you add caramel macchiato to my order please?" he nodded and added hot mocha to my order "that would be 10500 won" I gave him the exact amount, he took the money and put it into the cashier machine thingy. He gave me the receipt after that. He took two cups and a sharpie and asked us "names?" I looked at the girl and she seems taken aback by his question before answering "L-Lucy" I did the same "y/n"

The barista wrote our names and informed us he will call us when the drink is done. "So miss Lucy, shall we take a seat while waiting?" she nodded and I saw her eyes getting small, into a crescent shape. She's smiling. "Sure, why not?" We went to a seat near a window and sat down.

Yeji's POV

So he's THE y/n that Ryujin told about yesterday. From what I see... he's a nice guy. Helped her, paid for the snack and also walked her home and he's our neighbour too! I can imagine her tiptoeing while groaning hihi. He even insisted on paying for my drink as a thank you aww how sweet of him. What a good first impression Y/n ssi.

"So y/n ssi..." ahhh I'm so nervous right now. What if he finds out that I'm ITZY Yeji? What if he's one of the crazy fans? what if he- "lucy ssi? Are you okay? You were spacing out" I shook my head and took a deep breath before looking up at him.

"Woah..." omo! Did I just say that out loud? ARGHH "Woah? Is there something on my face?" He tapped his face a few times. There's something on your face ㅋㅋㅋ Handsomeness 😳

"Nothing nothing hehe, the flower behind you looks really beautiful" he looked back and smiled as soon he saw the flower, it was lavender in a vase, looking lively and beautiful. He turned his gaze back to me and nodded while smiling "yup indeed it is beautiful"

I smiled, even though he couldn't see it but I'm sure he noticed it. "Actually y/n ssi, I already know you" He widened his eyes like a meerkat. ㅋㅋㅋ cuteee "y-you know m-me?" Oh no I didn't mean it like that! "Ah, ani ani I didn't mean it like that y/n ssi! I knew you from Joanne"

He sighed in relief and chuckled afterwards. I told him basically everything Ryujin told us and he giggled a bit before waving his hands "ahhh I'm glad to help her though, turns out I was there at that time so why don't I help her right?" He rubbed his nape a little bit.

I stared at him in awe, is he always this nice? Wahhh his girlfriend must be lucky...

"Lucy ssi? You were spacing out again-" EH? aigoo what is wrong with you Yeji GET IT TOGETHER >: ( "it's just you're so nice y/n ssi" he smiled softly. "I've been taught by my parents to be nice towards people and people will repay you with kindness"

His parents taught him well. I blushed a bit upon his answer. Before I could say anything, the barista called our names, we stood up and took our orders. "Thank you and please come again!" the barista bowed to us. After that, we walked out of the cafe.

"soooo this is where we part ways right? my class will start in 40 minutes," he said with a dull tone. I hope I can meet him more next time, I want to be his friend... "I wish I could spend more time with you but I also have some errands to do. Could we exchange numbers y/n ssi?"

He nodded before giving me his phone, I dialled in my number and saved it under Lighfury and then I gave it back to him. He did the same to mine.

"Lightfury?" he tilted his head confusedly, stop being cute y/n ssi! "Mhm! my fan- I mean my friends called my lightfury because I look like her! see my eyes looks like her" I widen my eyes. He laughed and took a sip from his coffee. "Indeed it is lucy ssi... oh I'll be right back, wait here okay?" I nodded and he quickly went into the cafe again, he left something?

I leaned on the light pole while waiting for him. I took a few sips from my coffee and ahhhh it's so refreshing. After a while, he left the cafe with his right hand behind his back. I wondered what he was holding. He stood in front of me and showed me what he had been holding on his right hand

It's the lavender that was in the vase earlier... I took the lavender slowly from him. "I noticed you have been looking at the lavender while we were waiting so I went in and asked them if I could buy the pink roses and they said yes hihi. But they were reluctant at first hahaha"

I stood there with my mouth agape before I asked him "y/n s-ssi? Would you like to come to our place for dinner? The girls are curious about their new neighbour as well" He checked his phone for a bit before nodding " Sure why not! text me the time okay? I gotta go Lucy ssi, see you around!" He waved before walking to his car "see ya..." I waved at him while looking at him entering the car.

And his car slowly got smaller from my view before he took a turn. I looked down at the lavender I sniffed it and hugged it softly "thank you y/n ssi, you made my day better. Thank you"

I'm going to put this in a vase for sure.

I walked home while enjoying my coffee and sniffing the lavenders from time to time ... as if he's beside me, walking together.

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