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Yeji  noona said Jisu noona wanted to talk to me in her room, I'm standing in front of her door right now, about to open the door but chaeryeong texted me

And I opened the door and walked in, I saw noona sitting on her bed looking down." Noona? Is something wrong?" she tapped the space beside her "Come here Y/n", I walked to her bed and sat down next to her, oh god this is tense. Did I do something wrong?

"D-do you have something with Yeji?" She asked while biting her lips. "No noona we're just friends" I shook my head, is she assuming something? " Can... you keep your distance from her? from others too" I looked at her with my mouth agape "noona, what are you trying to say?" I sighed and looked at her with confusion. "I-It's just they might fall for you" She told me while fidgeting with her fingers. Are you kidding me right now? I stood up and went in front of her. "So? What if they do? you're going to threaten them and say I'm yours? Noona come on, wake up! That's their choice to do so and I'll choose whoever my heart choose"

"Either you, one of them or someone else..." She stayed silent for a while before a few sobs came out from her. I hugged her " Noona....I'm sorry, please understand my feelings as well.." She continued sobbing on my chest while I stroked her back. "There there I'm sorry for raising my voice at you noona" She looked up at me with her teary eyes " No... I'm sorry for being selfish cheonsa.... I just missed you too much" closed her eyes and tears flowing from her beautiful eyes, reminds me to- no y/n not now. I wipes her tears and cupped her cheeks "cheer up noona, I'm not mad~" She slowly smiled and snuggles close to me, I slowly laid down on the bed with her on top " Awww you still have it " She held my left hand and looked at my ring finger, where our friendship ring located. I looked at her hands and I saw nothing.... did she-

"Before you assume anything, no I didn't throw it away of course~" She showed me a necklace she have been wearing since we met, ahhhh so she wore the ring as a necklace "at least you still have it " I looked at my watch and widen my eyes at the time "noona it's getting late I gotta go" She intertwined her hands with mine " Stay here for tonight?" She pleaded with me. Ugh why does she have to be so cute! "But Yeji?" She nodded and assured me "she'll understand"

Suddenly her smile turned into a pout and glared at me. What did I do now.... "hmph Jisu is sad '' she looked away while still pouting. How cute can this girl be? "Why is Jisu sad? mind telling cheonsa?" She huffed before turning her head back facing me "Jisu want flowers too~ Why cheonsa only gave it to yeddeong hmph" I laughed at her cuteness and she smacked my chest "I'm sorry noona~ I'll buy for you next time okay?" She giggled and pecked my cheeks. Glad the only light source in this room is her bedside lamp so she cant see my face that much in the room

"Let's s-sleep n-noona" aigoo pabo "Okie goodnight cheonsa~" I covered both of us with her blanket and pecked her crown "goodnight noona" Slowly she fell asleep on my chest. I spent a few minutes drifting into the dreamland.

Lia's POV

I've listened to tons of songs, various of genres but my favourite always will be his heartbeat.... It's so calming and relaxing, I wish I could fall asleep and wake up listening to his heartbeat everyday.

Timeskip to morning

I rolled to my right side to hug him, he's not there. I rolled to the left side, he's not there either. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, leaning myself on the headboard "Y/n?" I called his name, I looked around and saw Yeji still sleeping peacefully while hugging her teddy bear "what time it is..." I muttered to myself, I grabbed my phone and checked the time "7 am...." I sniffed something, who's cooking? only me and yeji cook- RYUJIN?! I quickly ran out to the kitchen and my heart completely melted at the sight. It was Y/n wearing an apron, his hair being tied in a man bun cooking breakfast for us, for me.

I sat on a stool at the kitchen island and stared at him. The girls are going to try their luck with you, I can't let this slide. "cheonsa good morning~" He startled and almost dropped the plate that he's holding, he turned around and glared at me playfully "noona! I almost dropped the plate jeez and good morning~" Ahhh his calming voice never fails to give me butterflies. He turned his attention to the stove and flipped the pancake in the pan "wanna help me noona?" How could I say no "sure!" I stood up and grabbed an apron hanging near the fridge and wore it.

"let me help you with that noona" Y/n stood behind me and tied the arpon around me. My body freezes. I slowly turned around and both of our eyes aligned together It's so bright. I don't know about you but I get butterflies.... he took the scrunchie I always wear from my left arm and tied my hair as well. "thanks cheonsa" He smiled and patted my head "no biggie noona, can you help me make a new batter? I think it's not enough....considering Yuna likes pancakes so much" I nodded and obeyed his request.

I noticed him focused on flipping the pancakes and bacon on the stove. I took some of the batter with my finger and put it on his nose. He looked at me with an evil smirk, he lowered the heat before holding me close "ya y/n don't!" I laughed while trying to get away from his hold but to no avail. He scooped some of the batter with his finger as well and slowly- wait that's too much, I quickly retracted my head further from his finger "Y/n no! its too much!" He laughed while inched his finger closer to my face "An eye for an eye noona" NOO

"Y/n?" "Unnie?"

We stood there like a statue when heard someone called our names.

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