It's Been A while,Y/N.

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Author's POV

Different replies that Ryujin got after she said it. "What?!" exclaims Yeji. "Eh?" said the confused Chaeryoung. " Handsome neighbour?" asked Yuna with curiosity and lastly " I don't care, why are you late by the way?" said Lia with annoyance evident in her voice.

Ryujin nodded at Yuna's question and walked to the kitchen to put all the snacks on the kitchen shelves "yes he helped me picked YOUR chips which is at the top shelve ugh, paid for the snacks too since I forgot to bring my pouch hehe mian and also walked me home" She took off her mask and walked back to the living room.

" No wonder you left on read huh?" Yeji unnie smirked at the blue ash haired girl. "u-uhm n-not like t-that i-i mean" Her face slowly getting red while remembering what happened to her earlier

"Unnie your face is getting red, are you okay?" Yuna asked her "ya pabo, she's blushing of course" Chaeryoung told the tall girl. "OHHH UNNIE IS BLUSHING" The other girls teased her also, making Ryujin blushing more.

"Aish sHush I'm going to sleep, goodnig-" Yuna quickly held her hand. "Unnie tell us more about him please~" She was hesitating at first but finally sat down with them. "Arasseo I will" she crossed her arms.

"Well his name is y/n and he is 19 years old just like me and chaer and I met him at the supermarket during...."

When Ryujin told her members how she met y/n, someone was spacing out after she heard his name, it's Lia. Apparently, she and y/n were elementary school friends. Correction, bestfriends. During 1st grade,y/n barely made a friend at that time because he is a shy kid and that's when Lia came and approached him.


Incheon, 2009

Jisu was sitting on a swing at her school's playground, drinking apple juice while other kids playing around during recess. She noticed a boy sitting alone under a tree. Being a friendly kid she is, she hopped down from the swing and walked to him.

"Hey there! What's your name? I'm Choi Jisu! Nice to meet you~" she held out her hand to the boy. The boy looked up and he's shocked when he saw Jisu in front of him. He looked at her hand for a while before shaking her hand.

"Hi... m-my name is Shin y/n nice to meet you as well..." he looked down and pulled away from his hand afterwards. She kneeled down in front of him and held his shoulder. "Hey don't be shy, how old are you? I'm 9 years old"

He looked up slowly, both eyes staring into each other "So you're a year older than me,noona" She gasped when he said that she was expecting him to be older or the same age as her. "Wahhhh daebak i will call you dongsaeng from now on. Friends? dongsaeng?" He nodded while smiling widely "friends"

After the meeting, Y/n always spends his recess time with Jisu. Basically, where y/n is, Jisu is there too. Not to mention weekends, sometimes they'll go to each other's houses to hang out, mostly to Jisu's since she has a treehouse in her backyard. They texted each other as soon as they reached home, and spent hours calling each other during school holidays.

Years passed, they got a lot closer. They always had sleepovers at Jisu's treehouse every Saturday. Yuna sulked every Saturday, she said Jisu took her oppa. They only met a couple of times over the years Y/n and Jisu being friends.

They always meet each other in front of the school gate every weekday but one day when he's in 9th grade, she's not there waiting for him. She always tells him beforehand if they won't meet at the front gate, like if she's sick or something.

He was worried sick about her. He quickly went to her house and knocked on the door, no response. Not even a sound coming from inside of the house. He peeked at the windows, with no sight of her and her parents at all. He took out his phone from his pocket and called her, straight to voicemail. He thought they might have gone somewhere so he went home.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. Y/n was waiting for her best friend hopelessly. He knew Jisu moved out from her homeroom teacher to Canada. Mixed emotions engulfed him, sadness, confusion, and anger. Thoughts like "why didn't she tell me?" "she could've texted or called me but why didn't she?" " Does she hate me?"

Those thoughts have been lingering around his head ever since. All he hopes is for his best friend to come back to him.


"....And then he said to me, what a way to meet your neighbour isn't it? and then he closed the door again. " The girls squealed after Ryujin finished telling her story except for one particular person, Jisu.

" Ahhhh I want to meet him already!" Yuna swayed her feet in the air excitedly. Little did they know, she was smirking a bit. "He sounds like a nice person to be honest" Chaeryoung exclaimed while smiling flatly. "You should invite him for dinner here Ryujin-ah" Yeji suggested to her. She nodded.

Ryujin averted her gaze to Lia. "Lia unnie? Are you crying? Aww what's wrong?" She hugged her unnie and patted her back. She sobbed on Ryujin's shoulder and hugged her tighter. "Unnie, are you okay?" The other members asked her with concern. She broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"I'm okay girls, don't worry okay? I Just remembered someone from my past" She assured her members. Even though they didn't buy it, they decided to ignore it.

"Care to share with us unnie? We are here for you unnie" The youngest asked her. She shook her head and smiled slightly. "Maybe next time girls" They nodded and stood up. "Goodnight girls. Don't sleep late, we have practice tomorrow" Their leader informed them.

Before they went to their rooms, Lia called them "Thank you, girls, I'm more than happy to be part of this group" she sniffed and the others quickly hugged her "We're lucky to have you Lia unnie~" Chaeryoung said to her "We love you Lia unnie!~" She sobbed and covered her face "ahhh girls~ I love you guys as well"

They broke the hug and went to their rooms.

Lia's Pov

After I finished my night routine, I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. At first, I thought it wasn't my y/n but after I heard what Ryujin said, I confirmed that it was 100% my y/n.

You're still the same huh? Shin y/n, always thinking about other people first. Do you know how much I miss you Dongsaeng?. I always remembered you because you have the same last name as Ryujin and Yuna. I'm happy to know that you're my neighbour, I'm so sorry for leaving you, I really do...

Don't worry, I'll tell you everything you need to know. It's been a while y/n, I'll see you later, saranghae

I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep, hoping that I'll meet him in my dream.

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