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Y/n's POV

I froze when heard someone called our names, I turned my head towards the voice and

It's Chaeryeong

"Oh Chaeryeong good morning, take a seat we're almost finished by the way" I stepped away from Jisu noona and continued cooking.

"You slept here yesterday?" Chaeryeong asked me nonchalantly... Before I opened my mouth, Jisu noona already answered her "yeah he did, he was with me last night" She told Chaeryeong proudly, I can see her smirking a bit...

"Oh..." Chaeryeong's voice trailed off.

I finished cooking another batch that Jisu noona made and stacked it in one plate so they can eat how many they want and also a plate of crispy golden bacon. I washed my hands, took off my apron, dried my hand and hung it near the fridge.  " I can do the dishes later Y/n ah..." Chaeryeong told me while tapping her fingers nervously on the table. I shook my head " It's fine Chaer, I'll do it later. Oh by the way, what do you wanna drink? I can make it for you" She seemed to space out (?) for a while before answering me. "Orange juice will do, thank you y/n ah" She smiled at me

 "Orange juice will do, thank you y/n ah" She smiled at me

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I put the plate of pancakes and bacon at the dining table. I looked up and saw her smiling, I helped myself to smile as well. Her smile does radiate positive energy. "Orange juice coming right up!" I walked back to the kitchen and saw Jisu noona leaning on the kitchen counter while looking at her phone "Noona? What do you wanna drink?" She looked up with her left eyebrow raised. "Hm? Oh, Orange juice please, thanks cheonsa~" She grabbed a bottle of honey and a stick of butter on a plate before joining Chaeryeong at the table.

I opened the fridge and took a carton of orange juice and a carton of milk. Milk is for Yuna hehe. I grabbed five glasses and poured milk in one cup and orange juice in the other four but I stopped at the last glass...

Yeji is a morning coffee person. I smiled remembering our first meeting. I put the cartons back into the fridge and brewed a coffee for me and her. I poured the coffee into two mugs and put all the drinks in a tray and walked to the dining table. "Chaer, can you call the others?" Jisu noona asked her "o-oh sure" Before she even stood up from her seat, we heard someone screaming.


Ryujin's POV

I rolled around my bed before sitting up and rubbed my eyes. I unplugged and took my phone from the nightstand to check the time "7:30 am..." I stretched myself a bit before standing up and I saw Yuna still sleeping. Aigoo this kid got school and isn't waking up, she took like half an hour... sHoweriNg. I shook her shoulder "Yuna wake up... you have school today" she turned around and buried her face on the pillow " 5 minutes.." She mumbled "ya Yuna woke up" This time she didn't respond... you know what, prank time "YA SHIN YUNA WAKE UP YOU'RE LATE IT'S ALREADY 8 AM"  I shook her shoulders harsher this time. She swatted my hands and sat up, glaring at me "UNNIE CAN YOU NOT- wait what time is it again?" She yawned and wiped her mouth. " 8 am?" Her eyes shot wide open after I said that. She quickly stood up and quickly took her towel, making her way to the bathroom.  "AHHH UNNIE WHY DIDN'T YOU  WAKE ME UP?! I'M LATE NOW! CAN YOU CALL MANAGER UNNIE NOW? AISH JINJJA" She keeps rambling while doing her morning routine. She walked out after a few minutes and hurriedly changed her clothes to School Uniform. I walked into the bathroom and did my morning routine as well.

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