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the picnic


the smell of coffee and tommy's scream is what clarissa woke up to the next morning. they turned over to see ranboo still asleep in his own bed. he was lightly snoring and had his covers pulled right up over his head.

she checked twitter to see that tubbo tweeted something about tommy spilling cereal so she decided to get up to see what he was on about. as she stood up and started to walk away from her bed when she felt something grab her arm. ranboo pulled her back into his bed.

"don't go just yet" he mumbled into her hair.

she turned bright red and hummed a reply back, just laying there awkwardly as he clung onto her. he was still half-asleep so she just thought he was dreaming. she bite back a smile as he pulled her a little tighter.

"ranboo...ranboo" she shout-whispered.

"y-yeah" he answered, opening his eyes slightly and adjusted them to the light, then immediately closing them again.

god that morning voice, clarissa thought.

"good morning sleeping beauty" she giggled.

"hmmm" he mumbled happily.

"let's get up," she said, "unless you don't want to."

"w-what. oh," he looked down to see his arms around her waist. he was fully awake now. "i'm so sorry oh my god" he pulled back.

"it's okay ranboo" she smiled, scooting closer to him.

he hesitated then moved closer to her and reverted to their somewhat original position. after a couple of minutes, they actually got up. it was a little awkward as ranboo walked behind clarissa into the kitchen, scratching his neck as everyone turned to look at them.

"good morning idiots" quackity broke the silence.

tommy, tubbo, sapnap and jack were at the table which had milk spilt all over it. sapnap was wiping it up with a cloth while tommy just munched the rest of his cereal. wilbur and niki looked very tired and hungover on the couch where karl was lying, stretched out in his corpse merch. bbh was frying some sausages and quackity was editing a video. dream and george were nowhere to be seen.

"where are dream and george?" ranboo asked.

"probably still sleeping" karl replied.

"oh" ranboo said awkwardly and sat on the edge of the couch beside niki.

"you okay wilbur?" clarissa asked.

"uhh yeah, just a little hungover" wilbur said groggily.

"sooo, picnic today!" bad said very enthusiastically earning a groan for the hungover adults.

"what? do you guys not wanna have a picnic?" karl asked.

"we do, but not todayyy" said niki.

smile for me ♡ ranboo x ocWhere stories live. Discover now