Chapter ~ 9

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On the other side, the boys were sitting in their living room, feeling worried for their youngest who didn't came home from last night. They didn't even notice that she left for home without the keys, and realization hit them like a truck when they reached their dorm at night and noticed that the door was still locked and that Haewon never reached home when she left from their agency.

They called at her phone thousands of times but it was always sent to voicemail and this was only an addition to their worries as her phone was never switched off when outside the house. During their whole worrying session, they didn't even realize that it was already morning. So they decided to not go to the work and just called at the agency to tell that they won't be there because of some emergency.

Right after the call, they started calling few of their friends and Taehyun called his parents and relatives to ask if Haewon was with them but they always got a no as an answer. This made them more worried, so they started searching at the few of the places that they usually visit for any signs of Haewon but got none clues.


The group was now in their car after searching few of their hangout spots as an idea came into Taehyun's mind. "Guys lets search the routes from the agency to the dorm", Taehyun told his plan to the others which only left the members in dark. "What do you mean? Haewon left through bus, there is no way she walked home", Soobin said as he was totally not agreeing with plan.

"And you know how long is the journey from our dorm towards the agency, it is 30 minutes from car so it must be more by walking and Haewon was wearing heels, there's no way she walked to the dorm", Beomgyu joined Soobin with his statement, clearly showing that they weren't into this plan.

"But hyung you know it was quite late when Haewon left, so it's possible that the bus was not there and she didn't even have money as she paid for the food. It can be possible that she walked home", Kai explained Taehyun's theory as he himself also wanted to follow the plan.

"Let's just go with the plan, it's not like we have another plan to go with," Yeonjun sighed as he started driving again, not giving any one the chance to object. Just then Taehyun's phone rang, he answered the call without looking at the caller ID as he was already tried from all the travelling and sleepless night and said a simple 'hello'.

But what shocked him the most was the voice that was heard from his phone, 'Taehyun'.

When he heard the voice he felt thousands of emotions that even he couldn't name them out, but the dominant ones was, of course, happiness, relief and worry. Happiness and relief because he finally got into touch with his sister, and worried for her health and safety.

"Haewon! Are you okay?! Are you in danger?! Where are you?! Where did you go without telling any of us?! Tell us where are you and we will come to pick you up" Taehyun immediately yelled in concern into the phone, making Yeonjun suddenly stop the car as the others turned towards Taehyun with shock and relief written on their faces.

"Taehyun, first calm down and I am fine and....... safe and am doing okay" Haewon tried to calm down the boys which unfortunately, wasn't working. "How the hell am I supposed to calm down, when you didn't even come home last night," Taehyun said as his voice cracked a little at the end, making his little sister heart crack as well.

"First tell me where are you and I will come to pick you up", Taehyun told Haewon, now, in his normal voice, not wanting to break down infront of his sister. "Taehyun, I am at one of my friends house......... I am doing fine, I am eating well. Just don't worry about me and don't search for me. I will come back at some appropriate time........" Haewon told her team in her small voice as she was afraid to anger her brother more but also in order to stop them looking for her and worrying for her, but it wasn't enough to calm them down.

"How am I not supposed to be worried? And what do mean by 'appropriate time'?" Taehyun at this point was now begging for his sister to return back home. "Oppa, just don't worry. I will return to you at the right time. I have something important to do here and when I am done, I will come back to you and tell you everything in detail. Just don't search for me for the time being", Haewon explained everything in her soft voice, hoping for her brother to calm down and listen to her which actually worked.

Haewon occasionally called Taehyun oppa since there was only few months age gap between them. But when she did, it always warmed up his heart so it was no wonder that he agreed with her.

"Okay but can I call on this number again?" Taehyun was drained out of energy, not wanting to argue more with his sister, he just asked a question while hoping for a 'yes'. "Oppa, I will call you again at the right time, don't call at this number again. Just wait for my call," Haewon softly answered, calming her brother even though there was nothing to be calm about.

"Haewon, I don't know what you are up to or what you are planning, just know that we are here for you and whenever you need our help, you can just contact us and we will be there. Take care of yourself, don't let yourself get in danger or injured, and return as soon as you can. I will submit your leave application at the agency." Taehyun was damn worried about his sister but he knew that he can't do anything and can only support and help her if needed.

"I will oppa and thank you for everything. I will hang up now, bye oppa, love you" Haewon lovingly said into the call, warming Taehyun's heart as he also muttered a small 'love you too' into the call before the call was cutted from the other end.

After the call ended, the boys bombarded Taehyun with questions. Taehyun narrated their whole call which upsetted and confused the boys. "What is this important thing? Do you have any idea Taehyun?" Yeonjun asked, breaking the silence in the car as everyone was deep in thought about this 'important thing'. "Actually I have no clue as well", Taehyun replied with a sigh as everyone followed after him. "I guess we can just for that 'right time'," Kai said as he slumped more into his seat to get into a more comfortable position to sleep.

The others just hummed as they followed after Kai and took a small nap, while Yeonjun drove through the roads to their dorm to finally rest from the whole mess which was created from their only one night hangout.


Okay now y'all guess what is the 'important thing'? 👀

I am actually curious of you answers so don't forget to comment and vote  ;)

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