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The New York Times Page 1

Alien Ships on Earth?

By Claire Bennet

Investigations conducted by worldwide governments have confirmed the presence of flying ships of alien origin within Earth's atmosphere. The ships have similar components to those built here on Earth, including rockets and detachable parts, but are of a size and structure not yet attempted. These investigations have not yet confirmed whether these spaceships are inhabited, and if so, by who or what. Is this an opportunity for first contact with an alien species, or a planetary threat?

The United Nations have announced their plan to make contact, if an alien species indeed is present within the ships currently over Shanghai. Robert Rodriguez explains why no such protocol already existed, "We simply never expected aliens to arrive in person, or even to send an unmanned ship to Earth. We had been prepared for a transmission or some other long distance form of contact, not for physical arrival." Fortunately, one such broadcast has been transmitted worldwide from each of the ships. Experts are currently decoding its meaning.

The current protocol is to work off of existing systems. The United Nations plans to prioritize "impersonal contact first." This would include some sort of contact over radio-waves or other digital communication, rather than in person.

"We don't know their biology," said an expert from the CDC. "We don't know what biological risks may exist for either of our species if we make direct contact. We also don't know if they're hostile or what their plans are for contact with us. In the meantime, we plan to focus on the contact that we can safely make"

Continued on Page 5.

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