Chapter 8

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 School was delayed an hour that morning, on account of the recent news. The recent news, of course, was that overnight, Dubai and Shanghai had been lasered to high heaven. The death count was astronomical. But as Theo's public school was located in America, this didn't matter much, and only an hour of precious learning time could be spared.

"Love you both, have a good day," her mom said, kissing both Theo and Catherine on the forehead. "Here's some lunch."

Lunch turned out to be baked beans with a side of baked beans. Theo stole some of Maria's soup out of her thermos. Kate had started to regularly spend lunch with them, too, and was copying Theo's math homework.

"My brother still thinks it's the government," Kare was saying.

"The fucking government? Is he insane?" Maria asked.

"It's not like they're not profiting, they just opened like a hundred thousand space centers."

"I think they're actually just doing their job for once."

"For once."

Theo, feeling an overwhelming amount of deja vu, took Maria's thermos out of her hands and shoveled the thick soup into her mouth.

"What the fuck, Theo?"

"I'm hungry," she said through a mouthful of soup.

"Come over after school, my mom'll feed you."

"So will mine, unfortunately."

"I'll paint your nails."

Theo considered. She did want Theo's mom's food. "Okay."

"I can't read your handwriting for number 5," Kate said.

After lunch, Theo spotted Catherine. Some boy was with her. Theo narrowed her eyes. His arm was around her and their faces were close. Too close. She grabbed Maria and whispered in her ear, "Who the fuck is that boy?"

He had messy dark hair and a grey hoodie. Theo didn't trust him.

"Her grade I think," Maria whispered back.

"Honors? AP?"


Theo wanted to growl at him like a dog. She settled for clenching her teeth.

"You're so elitist, Theo."

"She can do better."

"She's, like, 15. She's not gonna marry him."

An unexplained feeling nipped at Theo. She didn't like Catherine dating, if that's what Catherine was doing. It was never something that Catherine had done before.

In math, a girl was crying. Her friends were huddled around her, stroking her hair and murmuring in hushed tones. The room was nearly silent and the teacher was perched in front of the white board, clearly unsure what he should be doing.

"She has family in Dubai," Kate whispered to Theo. "I don't think she's heard from them all day."


"Mariam," the teacher said, fiddling with his navy blue tie. "If you'd like, you can go to the office and see if anyone can pick you up."

Mariam looked up at him, her eyes red. Theo, severely uncomfortable, averted her eyes.

"Great," the teacher continued, "I'll call the office."

"Can I go with her?" someone asked, raising her hand. He nodded, and the two girls set off. The teacher dialed some numbers and whispered into the ancient tan phone on the wall.

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