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The New York Times Page 4

The Chosen One's Battle, The Relocation Initiative and More: This Week's Overview

By Meredith Moor

Today marks one week since the arrival of the aliens now threatening the world. It also marks the largest battle to date, featuring Cory Cain and a new legion of Space Force soldiers. Several alien ships were destroyed, but nothing yet is known about this alien species. Read more on page 1.

The Relocation Initiative, presented by the UN, had its first major presentation this past weekend. Under this initiative, millions of citizens from around the globe could be safely taken off Earth, to either return after the aliens are vanquished, or to remain indefinitely. More is due to be announced on Friday, but more can be read on page 2.

Meanwhile, the Space Force is now offering priority spots in the Relocation Initiative to families of the enlisted, as well as the highest salary of any of the armed forces. These incentives are drawing recruits from across the country. Details on their operations can be read on page 10.

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