Rescue Mission

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Before I had even realised what was happening we were in our ride. Gally placed me down on some seats at the side, making sure to lift my damaged leg off the floor so he could tend to it. I felt the vehicle begin to fly and I could hear Jorge's shouts.

"Y/n? Baby? Y/n." Gally tapped my cheek gently causing me to break out of another trance. He was knelt down at the side of me.


"This is going to hurt. Hold my shoulder and squeeze it if you need too." He smiled while lifting one of my grubby hands to his shoulder.

Minho threw him a med-kit before turning his attention back to finding Thomas. Gally pulled a large roll of bandage out of the box and unravelled a bit of it.

"You ready?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the thing in his hands and his head tilted at my action.

"You should probably clean the wound first." I told him.

"Shit, yeah." He cursed, "I forget that you were part med-jack."

"What can I say? I'm multi-talented." I joked.

Gally cleaned the wound and I winced slightly but it was nothing compared to the pain that the bullet lodged in my leg was causing.

"Now, you should probably take the bullet out." I coughed.

"Y/n, I can't. I'm not trained or good enough." He shook his head violently while still wiping my leg, "We should wait."

"Gall, putting a bandage over the wound won't do anything. The pressure will probably make it hurt more. Just take it out with some tweezers. Once we get out of here, someone trained can look at it. Okay?" I explained.

"Okay." He sucked in a breath and wiped a hand over his sweaty face, "I- I'm sorry if this hurts."

"Don't apologise. Just do it, please." I patted his shoulder.

Gally's shaky hands picked up the tweezers and he tried his best to steady himself. With my hand that wasn't  gripping his shoulder, I cupped his hand holding it still. His head lifted at the touch and our eyes locked.

"It's okay. Just focus and don't forget to breath."

"Right. Focus and breath," He repeated, "Okay."

I squeezed my eyes shut as he dug the tweezers into the hole in my leg. I tried my best not to hurt his shoulder but when I felt him begin to the slide the bullet out, I couldn't hold back.

"Jeez, y/n." He winced.

"Sorry." I whimpered, "But you did- you were the one to tell me that I should've squeeze if- if it hurts.

"True. Nearly done," He stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth like he always did when he was focussed, "And.... done."

I heard the clang of the bullet hitting something and I opened my eyes again, releasing a small tear. Gally noticed and wiped it away quickly.

"Do I put the bandage on now?" He asked confused.

"Gally, you have been part of the Right Arm for months. What do you think?" I chuckled at his cute face.

"I know. I know. Just because I'm part of the Right Arm doesn't mean I'm smart," He rolled his eyes jokingly, "But, like seriously, do I put the bandage on now?"


Once again, his tongue peeped out of the corner of his mouth as he moved my leg gently while wrapping the bandage around it. I stared at his handsome eyes that I had missed so much. He exhaled and lifted his hands in a surrender once he was done.

"Well done, Gall," I smirked, "Even if you were scared."

"Be quiet you. I was a builder, I have rough hands. I didn't want to hurt you."He stood up and pecked a kiss on my forehead.

"I THINK I GOT HIM!" Jorge screamed from the cockpit.

I hopped up and joined everyone else to look. Teresa and Thomas were on top of a burning building that was bound to fall at any time. Thomas looked injured, possibly shot. Teresa was cradling him as they turned to us.

"Yeah, that's him!" I said quickly.

"Alright, I'll get the hatch." Brenda ran and everyone else followed but I stayed stood over Jorge's shoulder.

Before we turned around so they could climb in, I saw Teresa attempt to help Thomas onwards. Vince attached himself to a wire so he could lean forward more to reach them.

"I can't get any closer!!" Jorge told them but he still tried his best.

I hobbled over to the hatch but made sure to stay out the others way. Thomas' arm was slung over Teresa's shoulder and I could tell she was trying her best to keep him alive.

Maybe she isn't so evil as we all thought.

"Jump!" I shouted as Vince held his hand out, "Jorge, go a little lower!"

"Yes, ma'am."

He lowered us so Vince's and Thomas's hands were touching but they kept separating at any slight movement.

"You gotta get closer!" Gally yelled.

A massive missile was sent at the building right next to us, making all of us stumble. I nearly fell flat on my ass but Gally caught me and lifted me to a seat. Teresa threw Thomas up and he wiggled his way to safety but she just stood still.

"Teresa! Come on!" I screamed and my voice cracked.

Then the building that had just been bombed started to fall. She watched it fall before turning quickly back to us.

She looked directly at me and mouthed, "I'm sorry. Look after him."

"TERESA!" Thomas cried out from his injured position on the floor.

All of a sudden the floor that she was stood on broke way. Another scream left Thomas' lungs as we all watched her fall to her death in sadness.

Another person gone. Great.

A slow tear rolled down my cheek as a massive fume of smoke blocked our view of the crumbling building. Everyone turned Thomas over and sure enough he had been shot in his abdomen. His eyes fluttered closed as Minho applied pressure to his open wound. I threw Gally the same med-kit he had used for me and he passed it to Brenda who was in absolute pieces and was screaming orders so loud it could of shattered glass.

She quickly covered Thomas' wound and everyone backed away a little as we waited to get to the safe haven. I had my head leant on Gally's shoulder and I tried my best to keep my eyes open but I eventually fell asleep.

Urm 💀 I'm so sorry for not updating in ages lmfao-

also I'm gonna carry this book on to show more of gallys and y/n's relationship in the safe haven rather than just stopping where the movie stops. ;)

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