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I don't know what to do. I just got a call from my aunt, saying that I am going to live with her. She is picking me up tonight. I don't even have time to pack. I gather all of the things I need, and throw them in a grocery bag. All of a sudden, there is a car horn honking for me. It must be her.

I don't want to go. Right when I get used to it here, they drag me out. What is Michael going to think? I have to change schools, change houses, change EVERYTHING. I just don't want to.

I hop in the back seat. I see my cousin is driving and my uncle is riding shotgun. Like ever single time I see him, I want to puke.

"Hey, how have you been. Long time no see. Ready to see your new home?"

I don't reply. Why would I? We drive down Michaels street. It seems like the car could not go slower. I roll down the window. Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton are sitting outside, in the front lawn, in lawn chairs. They all just stare at me, and I start to feel like I might cry.

As we pass Michael's house, I get a call from him.

"Why did you just come over here in some strangers car?"

I could tell that I was on speaker.

"I'm moving." I can barely even speak.

"What!?!?" Calum yells into the phone. They are surprised. Great.

"My dad died and I have no one to take care of me. I don't know where I am going, but I'm going somewhere." I really don't want to be having this conversation right now. Then, the flash backs start.

"I have to leave."

"You can't go. Not now!"

"I'm sorry, but just remember, I will never really leave you."

Something cold touches my leg. I can't feel what it is, but I like it. And don't want it to stop. What is he doing to me?

The car comes to a stop. I jump out of the car, grab my bag, and ignore my aunt standing outside, waiting for me. I have no idea where I am, but I know I am close to Michael. I drop my things and start running down the street, looking for an escape. I find the woods, and sprint for them. They can't possibly find me there.

It's dark. I just keep running. Nobody has come to look for me. I guess they just don't care. I am covered in scratches, dirt, and sweat. I see light I start moving towards it, not telling if I'm running or walking. I can rember woods at the end of Michael's street. Why can't I stop thinking of him? I come out of the woods, and there they are. Waiting for me.

"What happened to you?" They all ask.

"My aunt. I'm supposed to move in with her...and I needed to talk to you" I try to say, still catching my breath. Michael leans closer to me, and put his arms around hips. He leans even closer.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" he whispers into my ear. I got a tingling feeling, and began to smile.

"I didn't want to leave you," I whispered back into his ear.

"I wouldn't let you leave me." He kisses my cheek.

"Aaawww. You guys are so cute!" Calum yells.

"Shut up," Michael replies, pushing away from me,"do you want to stay with me a little while?"

"Sure." Am I happy? We walk back to Michaels and grab a snack. I meet his mom, and we all take turns blowing up my air mattress. It's not one of the electronic ones, so it's pretty hard. Nobody could really do it but me, so they all gave up and I was stuck blowing it up.

Later, Michael and I watched Netflix all night. My aunt started looking for me, and we started hiding when we heard her voice. "Emma!" she'd call out,"where the heck are you! I don't want to lose you!" A lie.

I spent the night at Michael's every single night after that. We spent all of our time together, and we had romantic dates. Tonight, was going to be a good night. I never even thought that I could be this happy.

"Thanks for-"

Right now, and right here, it was happening.

The Time I Met You [A Micheal Clifford story]Where stories live. Discover now