37-Flashback: Sold

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He smiled at me, which made everything come flooding back.

I was eight years old when a man came to my house. Mother was really excited for the man. It was the man with a bird mask that showed up in my head at the end of the Sports Festival. "[Y/N] darling, come here." She said sweetly, I complied.

She grabbed onto each of my shoulders with each of her hands so now I was standing directly in front of her. "So this is the child you spoke of." He said calmly.

"Little wolf ears?" He looked at mother. "It's part of her useless quirk!!" Mother was very annoyed. "So am I gonna get my damn money or what?" She pushed me towards him and he handed her a lot of money, she took it with such force that he almost fell over. He grabbed my hand with one of his gloved ones and lead me to a car. We both got in the back of it.

"Mister bird man..... Where are you taking me??" I asked and his eye twitched slightly. "You can call me Overhaul. Don't worry where we're going. Ahem you look rather tired why don't you take a nap." He said rather quickly. I wasn't sure what he was talking about so I just did as he said.

When I woke up we were at some weird facility. "Mister bird man, where are we?" He became increasingly annoyed. "I told you to call me Overhaul." He got out of the car and I did the same and ran over to him. "I know, but I don't want to." He groaned as I grabbed his hand.

This is such a strange place. Why am I here?? Did mother sell me?? "You look sad all of a sudden. What happened to that cocky exterior of yours?" Overhaul sounded concerned maybe. "Mom, just sold me to you, didn't she?" He nodded and I started to tear up. "Stop crying, let's go to you're room." I smiled lightly up at the man. This man bought me from mother. Is he a bad man?? He doesn't seem like a bad man.

We walked by cells, each one had a person or so. They each looked scared and hungry. Crud he is a bad man. What is he gonna do to me?? When we got to a room, he opened the door and he closed it after I entered. I tried opening the door for maybe an hour or two before I gave up. Oh no what's gonna happen?? Am I gonna die?? Am I too young to die?? "I hope mom is happy." I said before he came back.

"Turn into a wolf." He said strictly. "I start hurting a lot when I turn into anything. Mom had me checked out and I overheard the doctor say that my muscles tear when I transform, whatever that word means." He looked down at me. "I said turn into a wolf. I will fix your pain problem." He said the first part really scary and the second part he sounded kind and gentle. I listened to him, I wasn't sure if he would hurt me.

He put a collar on me with a chain and lead me out of the room. We passed by so many caged people, they all looked scared and worried. I need to get out of here. But what can I do?? I'm just a kid... All I can do is turn into animals. What's that gonna do?? What can the animals do??

He dragged me into a room and attached the other end of the chain to the metal thing in the middle of the room. "Aw shit, I forgot something." He whispered to himself. "I'll be back in a minute." Another person walked in. "So you're the newbie." He said and laughed as he left. He looked like a guard.

Overhaul came back with something in his hands. "This muzzle doesn't allow you to turn back to normal or change into other animals." He said as he put it on me. "I hurt." I tried to say but I couldn't hear myself. "Oh, I forgot to mention that you can't speak." And with that he left.

I'm really bored. How is mister bird man gonna fix me?? Did mom sell me to have me be fixed?? Is she gonna want me back when I am fixed??

I think a few hours passed by before Overhaul came back. Someone was behind him carrying like a medical table thingy. Another man came in carrying a briefcase, he put it on the table thingy. Both of the other men left. Overhaul slowly walked over to the table thingy and opened the briefcase. "Ah splendid." He said to himself as he looked at it's contents. I was trying to see what was in it, but I'm too small.

He pulled something out of it and inspected it carefully. He walked over to me, grabbed a chunk of my skin and put it in. I felt something flow through my body. "I just injected you with a quirk call Super Regen. I will come by tomorrow and take you to a....." He stopped talking suddenly. Wait I have another quirk now?? What does it do?? "A uh training ground." He said and walked away.

I looked around the room a bit. The walls were grey and looked gross, the floor and ceiling looked the exact same, the lights were yellow, and there was a small window with metal bars on it. I scratched at the muzzle, but it wouldn't move. I groaned. I'm gonna be stuck here a while, aren't I?? What is he gonna be having me do tomorrow??

This place is really scary. Am I ever gonna be able to go home?? I don't wanna be here. I started bawling my eyes out and eventually I fell asleep.

When I woke up I looked out the window and it was super dark. I might as well try to get some more sleep, probably gonna need a lot of energy tomorrow.

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