s e v e n t e e n ~ t h e e n d

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Daniel's pov

We just landed in Portland. I still can't believe I made it here. I wasn't really in the mood of coming here and spending the weekend with my family together with Jonah. Don't get me wrong, I would be the happiest if we could all hang out together freely so they would know that Jonah is my boyfriend. Although that's not how it is and I'm afraid to tell them cause what if they all think the way my mom thinks. Because I still don't think she changed her mind. Wish I knew what she's trying with all this.

"Are you okay?" Jonah asked, bringing me back to reality.

"I'm..I don't know. I have mixed feelings about this visit." I replied and he took my hand gently. We were currently sitting in an uber, heading to my parents' house.

"Well, no matter what happens..don't forget that I'm here for you." he said and it made me smile. I squeezed his hand and leaned closer, kissing his lips.

"I love you." I whispered and pressed my forehead to his.

"I love you too." he replied whispering as well and caressed my face.

Soon we arrived. I saw the familiar storey house with the big garden full of flowers where I used to run away from reality. It was the only place I could be alone, just simply be myself and nobody else. I know, our own garden. Not even far from here. It was actually good to be back home after such a long time being away, but on the other hand I already wanted to leave before someone notices us here. I know a lot of people are dying to be at home after being away for so long and they would do anything just to be able to spend an extra time with their loved ones, but sadly that's not my example. Like I mentioned before, I love my family way more when I'm apart from them back in L.A..

We got out of the uber and after a few steps we were in front of the gate. I let out a sigh and we started to walk towards the entrance door through the garden. And of course in a few seconds we were already there. Way too fast. Why?! I don't wanna go in there yet. I quickly turned around and almost bumped into Jonah.

"Hey, where you're going?" he asked.

"I don't wanna go there. I'm not ready for this, Jonah." I said nervously and he hugged me tightly.

"Calm down, please." he whispered. "Everything will be fine."

"I have a bad feeling." I said and we pulled away.

"It's just that you're nervous. But..we came all the way here so..it wouldn't be smart to leave now I think." Jonah responded and he was right of course. We flew all the way here.

"I know that just.." I said and let out a sigh, "just give me a second." I took a deep breath and let it out. I rubbed my face with my hands, then looked at Jonah.

"Better?" he asked caressing my arm.

"A little bit, yeah." I responded and headed towards the door. I stopped in front of it and grabbed the doorknob. One more deep breath. I entered the house. I immediately heard my mom and dad debating near, as well as I heard my siblings talking and having a good time together. It was actually nice to hear them and it helped me to relax more. Why am I even afraid of them? They're my family.

Jonah closed the door behind us and put the luggage aside. As we were heading deeper inside the house through the hallway, my mom appeared at the end of it with a smile on her face. Well I couldn't help myself but smile as well. It was weird cause she hurt me so much with her reaction before and the things she said when she found out that I like guys. On the other hand, Jonah is right. She is still trying to be in contact with me, but it's all so strange to me and I still can't truly believe her.

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