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Daniel's pov

Saturday. Finally my day off. This was a long and tiring week I'm not gonna lie. It was my first week at work after a really long time, so of course it wasn't the easiest.

Currently I'm sitting in the living room on the couch, my legs crossed, with a cup of tea in my hand.

You may wonder what happened when Jonah showed up at the coffee shop at my first day at work. Well, maybe you're gonna be disappointed cause nothing happened. When he noticed me, he froze for a few seconds and then all of suden he just turned around and left without saying a single word. After what happened, a month later, that was all he did. That was on Monday and since that I haven't seen him.

He made me upset with this to be honest. Like...I don't even know what to say. He's ashamed of what he did? That's the reason he just left like that? I did not want to yell his head off cause that would not help at all. But now that he left like that..maybe I will not be so nice next time we meet. If he even shows up again. Maybe he disappears forever after this.

In that moment I heard the bell ring. The first thing that came to my mind was that it's him. But there's no way he would come to my apartment after all of those things. I put down my cup of tea and got up from the couch, heading into the hallway towards the entrance door.

The bell rang again as I was almost there. Soon I reached the door and opened. Of course it was Jonah. As soon as I saw him, I closed the door. It was an instant reaction.

"Please, can we talk?" he asked begging me to let him in or at least open the door. I rolled my eyes and opened the door again. "Can I go in?" he asked after we made eye contact again.

I haven't answered his question, just opened the door even more and stepped aside. I'm curious what he wants to talk about.

"Thank you." he said quietly as he walked pass me into the apartment. I closed the door and started to walk into the kitchen, he then followed me.

I stopped by the kitchen counter and turned around leaning against it. He stood next to the island in the middle of the room.

"So." I said to start this conversation somehow cause he didn't know what to say I guess.

"I wanted to apologize...for everything." he said and I just shrugged my shoulders, waiting for more. "I'm also sorry that I just left when I saw you in the cafeteria. I had no idea you're still in L.A.." he added and a confused look appeared on my face.

"This is everything you wanted to say after what happened?" I asked first. Well he apologized and I actually don't even know what I wanna hear from him. "And what do you mean you had no idea I'm still in L.A.? Where am I supposed to be?" I asked totally confused by the things he said.

"I apologized so many times like I can't do any more. I can't change the past even if I would love to. I seriously can't even tell you how deeply sorry I am. I swear I feel like I failed and maybe you will never accept my apologies. But I am so so sorry Daniel." he said and I just looked down and he continued. "I think you would probably do the same in my place if you would find out that the person you love more than anything is about to leave you." he added and I looked up. What is he talking about?

"You...you thought that I was about to leave you? But why? I told you, and my mom as well, that I'm not going anywhere from here." I said and wanted to continue, but he interrupted me.

"I heard you and your mom discussing about leaving the next day. So don't lie into my face again." he said. Woah what?

"Excuse me? How dare you to call me a liar. You don't even know what we were talking about so don't act like you heard us." I fought back.

"I heard it Daniel. I came back from that job interview and heard everything." he said and I had to smile. "What's funny?" he asked.

"Nothing, just.....you did not hear everything cause then you would've known that it was just a joke. After that conversation I helped my mom to pack her things cause she was supposed to leave the next day yes..but alone." I explained it and he was just listening. "I couldn't wait for you to come home and tell you that she's leaving. She even wanted to help us out with money." my eyes started to tear up.

"I...I don't know what to say..I..feel so stupid." he said sadly.

"What was I supposed to feel like? You haven't showed up for hours. I was worried sick Jonah...I started to think that something bad had happened to you. I was sitting in the living room waiting for you for hours...until you finally appeared at midnight...drunk and..." I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away. "I thought I know you almost better than myself..but I guess I was wrong cause I wasn't prepared for anything like that."

"That wasn't me...I mean.." he said but I had to interrupt him.

"What do you mean it wasn't you? You disappeared for hours. That wasn't you? You came back totally drunk and blamed me for something that never happened. That wasn't you either? And you...hit me...I wish it wasn't you...but it was." I could barely speak. Tears were streaming down on my face. He was just looking down. I think he wasn't able to look me in the eyes. But I saw he was lightly crying too.

"It all happened...cause I'm an idiot. I'm such an idiot, oh my gosh." he said and covered his face with his hands. "There's no way I can make this up to you." he said after we made eye contact. We both had teary eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if you would hate me right now..and for the rest of your life. I would totally understand it. But I just wanna let you know that I...I love you. I still do and always will...and I'm so sorry Daniel." he said and turned around to leave.

I was watching him leaving and remembered that night..the moment when I kicked him out..the feeling right there and then was unbearable. The feeling of losing your other half, your whole world. I was feeling it again as I saw him walking away from me. I can't let him go again. I can't lose him.

"I love you too." I said and he stopped. "I'll always be by your side...no matter what..cause I love you. That's what I said before and...nothing has changed about that.... No matter what happened..I never stopped loving you and never will." I said honestly from the bottom of my heart. He turned back to me like he couldn't believe that I actually just said it, and started to slowly walk towards me. When he reached me, he just stopped in front of me.

"You still love me? After all of that?" he asked to make it sure that I said it. I just nodded and we hugged tightly. He caressed my hair as I hid my face into his shoulder, grabbing onto his shirt with my hands. I couldn't hold my tears back from falling, as well as him.

I missed this. That feeling I get when he's holding me in his arms. The feeling of safety, loving and caring. I know that what happened that night, happened for a reason. So we could learn and come back stronger than before.

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