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Jonah's pov

When Daniel said he still loves me after everything what happened, that was literally unbelievable. I seriously thought that he's gonna hate me forever. No joke. I still can't believe I actually...hit him..and all that just because of a misunderstanding. I failed as a boyfriend, even as a person. You're not supposed to hurt someone you love. In any ways. But I did..what a shame..and how disgusting.

After we were hugging there in the kitchen for like ten minutes, he said that he haven't fully forgiven me yet. I knew it's not gonna be that easy and I truly understand it. I can't forgive even myself for hurting him. So how could I ask Dani to forgive me? All I can do is apologize. Even if saying sorry is not enough.

Daniel allowed me to stay and talk. So we are currently sitting on the couch in the living room talking about all the things that happened to us while we weren't in touch. One whole month. That's way too much. I missed him every second. Right now that I'm able to talk to him again is more than I dreamed of for the last couple of weeks.

"When did you get the job at the coffee shop? Cause I was visiting it daily and haven't met you there before this Monday." I was curious cause he was fired from there and did not want to go back, saying he would have no chance anyways.

"A few days after we broke up..I got a call from my coworker Tom. You probably know him if you're saying you kept visiting the cafeteria.." he said and I nodded. I know Tom. Well we just talked a few times while I was waiting for my cup of coffee to be done. "So he called me that a new boss is coming so if I'm interested, they are still looking for a new waiter so I can apply for the place. And I did. I had no other choice basically." he added and a confused look appeared on my face.

"No other choice?" I asked simply.

"Yeah...because in the end my mom haven't sent me a single dollar..just like I thought. I had to take the first opportunity and start to make my own money as soon as possible." he explained, but there were still some things that were not clear to me.

"But why did your mom decide to change her mind?" I asked and he looked down.

"Cause...exactly that happened what I was afraid of. She found out that I like boys and...told me that her son can't be gay and then she left saying that I'm not her son anymore. Since that we haven't talked and probably never will." he said sadly. Oh man, I exactly know what it feels like.

"I'm so sorry to hear this...when was it?" I asked, not sure if he wants to talk about it and share it with me.

"A month ago...she left a few minutes after you that night." he said and it shocked me. No way he lost everyone in a few minutes right there and then.

"What? She..she heard us?" I asked. It was a stupid question I guess cause we were not that quiet that night.

"Yeah she heard everything so..it was immediately obvious to her that you were more than just my roommate." he said and I was shaking my head in disbelief.

"So...that is my fault as well..uhh I.." I hid my face into my hands. I feel terrible right now.

"Jonah, it's not true. I am guilty as well. Or maybe I'm the only guilty one in this. I should have told her and maybe she would've reacted differently. I don't know, but don't blame yourself for this, okay?" he asked and we made eye contact. How is he so nice to me when I caused him so much trouble and pain? I don't get it.

"I don't deserve you to be so nice to me." I said and took a deep breath. "Maybe I'm better of leaving." I added and wanted to stand up from the couch, but Daniel grabbed my arm.

"Stay." he said begging me with his eyes. "Don't leave...please." he added just barely above a whisper.

"You sure you want me to stay?" I asked and he nodded.

"I won't let you go again. I can't lose you." he replied and it melted my heart away. I swear I'm the luckiest person alive.

"I won't leave you, but most importantly I will never ever hurt you again..I promise. I never wanted to..I just.." I couldn't finish what I wanted to say cause I started to cry. I let it out after such a long time of holding on.

"Shhh..I know." he said, hugging me. I hugged him back immediately. His touch felt magically and it actually helped me to calm down.

After some time we pulled away from each other.

"I'm..sorry that I ruined your day." I said.

"You did not ruin anything, Jonah...I'm..happy you're here." he responded with a smile. The view of him smiling at me was wonderful. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. Cliche, I know.

I responded the smile and took his hand. I thought he's gonna pull it away, but he even tightened the grip on it. I caressed his hand with my thumb. We were constantly staring into each other's eyes and I encouraged myself to finally kiss him after such a long time.

I lifted up my hand to his face and touched it. Then I caressed it with my thumb and brought my face closer to his. Finally our lips met and he immediately kissed me back. That feeling was beyond words.

Our kiss was truly full of love for each other. I deepened the kiss and pulled him closer by hugging him around his waist. His hand found his way up into my hair and tugged on it lightly.

"I love you." I said after we pulled away, both of us slightly out of breath. I pressed my forehead to his and closed my eyes, enjoying every second with him after that long time we haven't even met.

"I love you too." he replied and it made me smile widely cause I thought I'm never gonna hear this from him again.

"I'm so happy right now. Thank you so much." I said, whispering the last part.

"For what?" he asked sweetly, confused what am I thanking him for. We made eye contact. I caressed his hair, then took his hands into mine.

"For not rejecting me. Just like when we met for the first time...I haven't even known you, but I already trusted you. And when I told you about my dark past..you haven't judged me. You have such a big heart it's unreal..you're an amazing person so please don't ever change cause you're literally a gift from heaven." we both laughed and he just rolled his eyes. "Seriously, I admire you and look up to you." I added and he blushed lightly. He's such a cutie pie.

"Now I remember why I was blushing every time you said something." he replied and we laughed again. I really missed these type of little things. Right now I can't tell if we can function the same way like before, but I wish. Even if deep down I will always remember what I did and he's gonna remember it as well.

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