facetime with my mom (tonight)

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I was going to ignore the buzzing in my pocket, but when Beverly turned and looked at me with an annoyed expression on her face, I knew I should probably pick it up.

Mom is calling...

"Who is it?" Beverly asks not taking her eyes off the screen in front of her.

"My mom... I guess I'll go take this." I rush out of my room and press answer.

"Claire, I didn't think you were gonna answer." My mother says.

"It's Richie, not Claire." I sigh. Of course she wanted to call my sister instead of me.

"Oh, h- Ric- How ar-" Her phone kept cutting out.

"You're connection is bad mom, where are you?" I question.

"Is this better?" She asks.

"Yeah." I sigh at my technology challenged mother.

"Oh, look who's here. Say hi to dad!" She enthusiastically says.

"Hi dad." I mutter.

"How are you?" I hear the booming voice of my father through the phone.

"Not bad." I simply say.

That's the deepest talk we'll ever have.

"Well, I guess I should get going. I meant to call Claire, sorry about that." My mother explains.

"It's fine, bye-" The sound of my mom hanging up interrupted me.

My own mother doesn't even want to talk to me.


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