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"Fuck you Bill!" I struggle with the controller. I'm in sixth place, this is why I don't play Mario Cart anymore.

"I-It's not my f-f-fault you suck-s-suck at Mario C-C-C-Cart." Bill stutters.

I remained in sixth place for the whole game.

The rest of the losers sat around us. Some having their own conversation and some watching the heated Marioo Cart race.

The TV flashed 'GAME OVER' in big bold letters. I felt a buzz in my back pocket. Who could be messaging me? All the people that message me are in the same room as me right now?

I look down at my phone.

@greta_likes_them_tall_and_in_charge wants to send you a message

"Bev." I nudge the red head next to me.

"What?" She whispers.

"Look." I point at the notification on my screen.

"Holy shit... See what it says." Beverly says.

I nervously open the message.

My eyes widen and a horrified gasp escapes my mouth.

"Guys! Richie just got sent a titty pic!" Beverly shrieks.

The rest of the group swarms around me to look at the blurry boobs on my screen.

"What the fuck do I do?!" I ask.

"Send one back?" Mike jokes.

"I can't send back a titty pic if I don't have any titties!" I say.

"Ignore it." Eddie quietly says. He doesn't look as intrigued as the rest of the group.

"Or... You could play along." Beverly says with a devilish grin.

"I like your thinking Beverly." I quickly type out a message and press send.

"What did you say?" Ben asks.

"I just asked what she was wearing." I say.

"Well, its pretty obvious that she isn't wearing anything." Stan points out.

Shit, he's right. I don't have time to delete my message before she responds.

Greta: Nothing ;) hbu?

"What do I say?!" I panic.

"Just be you. Say something stupid and funny." Ben says.

Me: Nothing except for a top hat.

"A top hat?" Beeverly questions.

"It's the first thing I thought of." I shrug.

Greta: lmao. Send a pic ;) I'd love to see what you got under those tight jeans.

"What do I do now?" I ask.

"I don't know, send a picture of your face. I doubt she wants to see your dick." Stan says.

"Who wouldn't want to see my dick?" I huff.

"Cause' it looks like the baby from Erazerhead." Beverly says with a smile.

I roll my eyes and open my camera.

I already look like shit. I tilt my head over the camera and smile, my hair wrapped around me like a helmet.

"How's that?" I show the group the photo.

"Perfect." Mike hold a thunbs up.

I press send.


While we all waited for Greta to answer I couldn't help but notice Eddie's energy

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While we all waited for Greta to answer I couldn't help but notice Eddie's energy.

He was doing fine before I got the first message. He was smiling and talking. But, now he seems reserved... Did I upset him?

Greta: haha, very funny. Come on, show me that pussy destroyer.

"Holy shit! Who the hell refers to dicks as pussy destroyers?!" Ben gasps.

"Your mom does." I smirk.

"Eddie come here." I pat the spot next to me. Eddie seems to hesitate, but he eventually gives in and scoots next to me.

I pull out my camera and hold it in front of us.

"What do I do?" Eddie whispers.

"I don't know, stick your tongue in my ear or something." I joke.

I didn't actually expect him to stick his tongue in my ear.

I took the picture and frantically rubbed my ear to get rid of the feeling. Having a tongue in my ear is something I never want to expereicne again.

"What? You told me to put my tongue in your ear!" Eddie defends himself.

I just break out laughing, he really is a cutie.

I press send and wait for a response.


Gteta: I should have known you're gay

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Gteta: I should have known you're gay. You're fucking disgusting.

"Yikes... That was harsh." Ben whispers.

"Yeah." I gulp.

"Well. She had uneven tits anyways." Beverly shurgs, "Now, let me kick Bill's ass in Mario Cart, you mother fuckers suck at this game." Beverly grabs the controller and starts a new game.

We all fell back into our normal shenanigans.

Greta is right. You are disgusting.


I had fun writing this chapter!


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