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Beverly literally dragged me out of my house to go get breakfast with her, Bill, and Stan. I feel like they are trying to do some weird intervention with me, even though I'm doing nothing wrong.

"How's your day been?" Stan suprisingly asks me.

"Good? Why do you wanna know?" I ask.

"It's a thing normal people ask other people." Stan shurgs.

"Hey, what can I get you all today?" The waiter asks us.

"French toast for us." Beverly points at herself, me, and Bill, "and he will have toast and eggs." She points at Stan. We've all eaten breakfast with Beverly so much that she knows all of our orders.

"I'll get that started for you all." The waiter wandered off.

"What's going on with you and Eddie?" Beverly questions.

"What. Do you mean?" I ask.

"You k-know what we mean." Bill says.

"I really don't. Can you elaborate?" I ask.

"You guys are just... You've always been very touchy with Eddie and Eddie is very touchy with you. We know you guys are like best friends, but... Is there something more?" Beverly asks.

I gasp, "Me? Liking Eddie? I would never, I'm an angel who would never fall in love with his bestfriend." I flutter my eyelashes.

"You aren't close to an angel at all." Stan mutters.

"Prove me otherwise. I am angelic." I state.

"Remember when you gave a five year old a porn magazine at the park?" Beverly says.

"Or when you told a kid he should dress up as Aladdin even though the kid was white?" Stan says.

"Okay, he was being a racist dick. It was funny!" I reason.

"Or w-when you c-convinced G-Georgie that th-t-the world was g-gonna end i-in a month." Bill stuttered.

All of our wounds from Georgie passing have healed, but the meention of him always puts a slight damper on the mood.

"Okay, okay, okay. Maybe I'm not angelic, but I'm not awful." I try to reason with the group.

"Okay, we can agree with that. But, this isn't the reason why we brought you here. We know something is up between you two. All you have to do is admit it. We won't laugh at you, we won't judge you, we will accept your answer." Beverly says.

"I'm not into Eddie. I act the same way with Eddie as I do with all of you." I lie.

Stan coughs and whispers, "Bullshit." Under his breath.

"I'm not bullshitting you guys. I truly don't have any feelingss for Eddie." The waiter places our food on the table, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna eat this frencch toast."

I'm not in love with Eddie. I'm not in love with Eddie. Even though he is perfect, I'm not in love with him.

Eddie wouldn't want to be in love with you anyway. He's too good for you.



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