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I stumble out of the bathroom and stared at the group in my living room.

"Richie?" Ben questions.

"Who else would it be?" I joke. There's a smile on my face but I know my appearance makes me look insane.

"What's happening?" Eddie quietly quetsions.

"Just having all the A.T.L feelings." I say half joking half not.

The whole group stare at me with a confused look on their face. Beverly is the only person that understands what A.T.L means.

"A.T.L? All the ladies, obviously." I play it off.

We all stand awkwardly, "Why are you guys here?" I finally ask.

"Just wanted t-to say hi." Bill says.

"Can you guys wait outside. We'll be out in a minute." Beverly ushers the gorup out of my house.

Beverly sits on my dirty couch and pats the spot next to her. I sheepishly sat next to her, the embarrassment made my cheeks red.

"Talk to me." She whispers.

"About?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb. What's happening? Just talk to me." Beverly says.

I can't get out of this. I have to talk to her, she won't let me leave if I don't.

"You know that feeling when you get stabbed?" I ask.

"Um... No? But, I can imagine it." She states.

"It's just like... The moment I open my eyes it feels like I'm being stabbed a million times over and over and over aagin. It feels like I'm gonna die." I explain.

I look out the window in front of us. I see Stan's van filled with my friends. I can see their worried expressions. But, there's one that stands out.


He looks close to breaking. Like one wrong move and he'll start crying.

"Why?" She simply asks.

"Because... I can't have him." I say without thinking. I don't even realise those words came out of my mouth.

"My sweet Rich." I feel her arms wrap around me. Before I know it, I'm curled up against Beverly and crying.

You're disgusting.



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