any day now

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My hands shook as I opened the letter. The smiley face made it seem like it was going to be nice. But, I know it isn't going to be nice. Holding the last thing Richie did before he died in his bathtub is a little stressful for the me. Well, really stressful.

Hey Eds. My Eddie Spaghetti.

This is awkward. Well, I'm assuming I'm dead now... So, maybe it isn't that awkward. I don't know if I'm supposed to keep this short and sweet or pour out all of my feelings. Who knew writing a suicide note was going to be so difficult. How are you? That's a weird question to ask, isnt it? I hope you're doing good. I know this can be a lot to handle right now, but I hope you'll do better one day. Who knows, maybe you don't care that I'm dead at all.

I thought this would all stop one day. That one day, it'll all be fine. I always told myself that any day now I will feel better. But, it never happened. I don't think it will ever happen. I was just born like this I guess.

I gotta tell you a secret. Since I'm gonna die and all of that, I don't feel super nervous saying this. But, I love you. Not in a 'you're my bestfriend' way. But, in a 'I've been dreaming about you since we were kids and now you are moving on in life and I'm stuck in the same place still trying to figure out who I am' kind of way.

This is a lot. I know. You can ignore that last part if you want to. I know how startling it can be to find out your friend died and to find out he was in love with you in the same day.

All jokes aside. I really hope this doesn't affect you too much. I'm happy now Eddie. Well, not currently as I write this letter. But, I will be when the deed is done.

I'll miss you Eds. I might not feel anything when I'm a body underground. But, if I could feel emotions as a dead person I know I would be missing you.

I hope I see you on the other side. Tell your mom I said bye.

I love you.

Yours forever,
Richie Trashmouth Tozier.

Of course I find out the man that I truly love loves me back the day he fucking dies.




I'm pretty happy with this book! Let me know what you think!

Thank you!


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