bezos I

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A large brown box sat on Stan's porch. I pick it up and attempt to shake the box, but my skinny arms can barely pick up the thing.

I open the front door amd yell into the house, "Stan!"

"What? Oh! My package is here." Stan cheerfully says.

"Daddy Jeffery got you a package?" I say with a grin.

"Stop refering to Jeffery Bezos as daddy. But yes, I got a giant nerf gun. You wanna see?" Stan says with a smile.

"Dude! Of course I do!" I help Stan drag the box into his living room.

Stan ripped open the box and there sat the biggest nerf gun I have ever seen. I could cry at the sight.

"She's a beauty." I whisper.

"I know. I don't even want to touch her cause' she's so beautiful." Stan says.

"You two are idiots. It's just a stupid nerf gun." Beverly stood with her arms crossed in front of the front door.

"Don't say that about our baby." I defensivly say.

She is right. I am an idiot.



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