bezos II

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The ding from the doorbell being pressed cut off mine and Eddie's conversation.

Bill stood from the couch where he was previously thrid wheeling and opened the door to reveal a small brown box.

"Daddy Bezos gave you another gift?" I say with a teasing smile.

"Beep beep Richie. I got Mike a phone case, he doesn't understand Amazon yet. The fact that there are millions of warehouses full of everything Amazon sells really stresses him out." Bill says with a small smile.

"It would stress anyone out." Eddie simply says.

"Is poor Eddie freaked out by daddy Bezos?" I pinch the small boys cheeks.

"Stop calling Jeffery Bezos daddy." Eddie huffed.

"I second that." Bill says as he opens the packaging to reveal a navy blue phone case.

"Lemme see." Eddie reached for the blue phone case.

The way that the bright yet dark phone case casted a strange shadow of dark blue on Eddie's face made me giddy. His skin looks so soft from where I'm sitting.

"It's nice." Eddie comments about the phone case.

Stop staring you idiot.


I'm starting to realise this book isn't super Reddie forward. Yikes!


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