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I normally hate listening to the radio. The hosts are always obviously faking their enthusiastic voices. The music is never good. The ads are annoying. There is nothing good that comes out of a radio, it's all shit.

But, the silence was starting to kill me. I've already listened to every CD, cassette, and record I own. So, this is my only choice.

I hesitate to turn the radio on. When the radio flicked into life the hosts voice immidiatly started to annoy me. I would rather live my life in silence than listen to this dude.

His voice made me feel like shit. Why can't I be that excited about everything? I shut off the radio before it got to my head.

I pour myself a lukewarm cup of coffee, of course I miss the mug. That's just my luck.

The feeling of my hair practically sticking to my face made me want to barf. If Eddie was here, I'm pretty should he would barf.

I take myself and my coffee to my bathroom and start the shower. I sat on the floor, drank my coffee, and waited for my shower to heat up.

When I heard the door open and shut and a familiar voice call my name... I nearly spit out my mediocre coffee.

They'll all see how disgusting you are. They'll leave you.



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