that is how the world works

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I cant help but get a bad feeling when I'm walking down this sidewalk to the gas station. I feel like everytime I leave my house something awful is gonna happen.

I turn a corner and see a person standing with his back towards me, his arms are firmly placed on his waist.

I slowly walk my way towards this person, the closer I get the more familiar he looks. When I realise this dude has a mullet, it all clicks.

He's obviously talking to someone, or talking down at someone.

When I got close enough to see who he was talking to, my heart sunk.

My Eddie laid on the ground, his normally white shirt is now covered in blood and dirt.

"Hey mullet bitch!" I shout without thinking.

His head swung around, "Oh look, your fairy boyfriend came to the rescue! Eat shit Tozier." Henry's words bounced right off of me, I've heard and said worse things to myself before.

"Speed it up Henry, I'm not into foreplay. If you wanna hit me, then hit me." I cross my arms.

I know Eddie would throw a fit about what I'm saying if he wasn't practically passed out on the ground.

Silence. I can hear the bird chirpping around me, the squirrels jumping from tree branch to tree branch, I can practically hear bees buzzing from how quiet it all got.

My eyes shot up to look into Henry's when I heard his big boots take a step forward.

He was close enough to hit me, but he hasn't.

So, I hit him first.

Right in the jaw, from years of beating up Henry I learned that his jaw is the most sensitive part of his body.

"Mother fucker!" He attempts to tackle me, but my height makes it difficult for him.

I knee him in stomach making him fall on his back, his head smacked against the concrete so hard that I could hear it.

When Henry doesn't get up, I take this chance to pick up Eddie and get the fuck out of there.

I grab Eddie's light body and speed walk away from Henry.

"What the fuck happened?" Eddie whsipers.

"Henry happened." I simply state.

"Your cheek." Eddie's fingers graze my cheek, "there's a cut." Henry must have scratched me when he tried to take me down.

"Eddie, you should see yourself right now. Don't worry about a little cut on my face." I say with a small smile.

"Why did this happen?" He asks. His voice is so quiet and innocent.

I don't really know what to say, I'm not sure why the world has to work like this.

"It's just how the world works." I simply say.

God, I can't even protect Eddie. He doesn't deserve his injuries, I deserve them.


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