Chapter 3

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Carrying heavy cranes of Colas inside the store was a hassle, especially with Bree's non-stop blabbering. My night shift began two days ago, and at the same time, it's Bree's semester break in school. Which meant she has nothing to do, I have no tutor sessions, and her being a standby here at my work.

"So you're telling me you have something for the band's drummer." I arched my brow at her. My interest to her blabber increased. Should I ask for the name of that guitarist?

Nah, nah. I'm over him. I don't see him anymore anyway.

"Yeah! Kai! He's the youngest. Three years older than me. That's okay, close enough!" She giggled with her hands on my next tower of cranes.

"No wonder." No wonder she drools over Kai when they perform.

Her squeals continued until I finished bringing all the cranes inside. Clock ticked midnight and by now, I only have a few customers entering the store. It's the perfect time to do my essay for my scholarship.

I brought out my laptop and surfed for my blank canvas of Word doc. Bree, on the other hand, sat in front of the counter after pulling a high stool and faced me with a skewer in her mouth. She looked at me curiously. I noticed her glance and flashed her a confused stare.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"What the hell are you doing?" She pointed at my crusty laptop using her pursed lips. "School's over... Are you doing my math exercises?"

I shook my head and showed her my 50 word essay, basically showing her how far I am from finishing. She understood that I needed to focus and ate quietly instead. Though giving me glances from time to time, which made me conscious.

"Why are you so serious?" She asked out of the blue.

"I'm trying to focus, Bree." I answered, my gaze still on my low brightness screen.

"Why can't you focus?" she continued. It was irritating me.

I glared at her. "Because you're watching me work!"

"Anything else?"

"I don't know. Maybe 'cause until now I still don't know that guitarist's name." I scoffed.

The moment I realized what words came out of my mouth, I wanted to kill myself right there and then. Bree let out the loudest gasp which was followed by the loudest laugh and wheeze, almost choking on her chicken skewer. My cheeks went scarlet and hot, I wanted to squish my head between the flaps of my laptop.

"I fucking knew it!" She covered her mouth after cursing. "You like Beom-" she paused suddenly.

"What? Beom?" I raised my head from my folded arms. I was eager despite the embarrassment. I could've handled it differently, but fuck. I'm knowing his name.

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