Chapter 10

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"Beom, you have to go."

My voice was muffled against Beomgyu's tight embrace. His flight is in an hour and the band has to leave. It was our moment of goodbye.

His arms were securely wrapped around me like I was a pillow. The members are already waiting inside Taehyun's van, and even after many attempts of convincing Beomgyu that I'll be fine, he won't dare to let me go.

"I don't want to leave you..." he whispered, shaking his head. His warm breath tickling the side of my neck.

"Beom, why now? Last night you were excited about the arena." I laughed a little. He only held me closer.

"That was last night. Now's different.... Now that it's time to leave." He raised his head from my shoulder to look at me. There was a pout in his lips. I quickly stole a kiss.

"Come back, okay?" I placed my hands over his shoulders and gave them a tap.

He gave me a sad smile and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Of course, I will."

"Beomie, let's go! We'll miss our flight for goodness sake!" It was Yeonjun from the van.

"Shut up, bro! They're having a moment!" Bickered Bree.

Beomgyu locked his lips with mine before hesitantly letting go of my hand. It was heavy in the heart for me, but also excited for what the future holds for Beomgyu. I know he and the band will go far with their music.

I watched Beomgyu enter the van with a twinkle of emotion in his eyes. The cold breeze quickly replaced his warmth. It was the coldest I've felt... after seeing him go and leave to the place of my dreams.

"I love you." I muttered under my breath.

Bree stood a distance from me, shivering. She has her gaze on the van driving away into the thick winter fog. It's the annoying tension between us that kept us from talking.

I don't know what to do.

It was highly noticeable that Bree changed. And it's a lie when I say it isn't appaling.

I turned around to leave. Beomgyu trusted his house to me and Bree for the next three months they'll be in New York. It's quite a responsibility left for me.

"Wait, Nessa!" It was Bree, branching her hand on my arm to call my attention.

Our eyes met but she quickly dropped hers to the ground. Her cheerful approach was missing. Instead, it was shame that showed.

"Can we talk? Cafe, downtown." She invited.

I gave her a small nod.

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