Chapter 5

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"Beomgyu. Choi fucking Beomgyu." I muttered under my breath.

I marched towards the front of the store and picked up a case of Colas to be arranged once again in their designated fridge. I was pissed, ultimately embarrassed. For the second time.

"Chill out! If Beomgyu let you use that nickname without getting mad, then it meant he likes it!" Maya's been convincing me since earlier. She let out a laugh after I gave her a glare.

"How can I face him now?!" I exhaled. Because of what happened, all of my progression had gone to waste. Maya knew about it, yet she didn't say a word. I'm betrayed.

"You don't have to worry about that." Maya said while filing her nails.

"And why is that?" My brow arched.

"'Cause you got the man, sir!" she exclaimed but covered her mouth instantly. She'd mistaken.

"I lost my chances, twit!" I scowled, which caused the store to fill with Maya's high pitch laughter.

I lifted the heavy case and with all my might, I transferred it inside. The brand delivered a few more cases than usual as the demand for the drink increased this week. It wasn't just for the store I am working at, but to every store in town as said by Maya. It's odd to have everyone in town have the crave for Colas, all at the same time.

"See? You've just admitted your infatuation to Beomgyu! God, you're so obvious."

She continued with mentioning how clear the signs are when I speak to Beomgyu: from my ears, to my gaze, to my flushed cheeks, to my stupid slips, and how Beomgyu got me to wear makeup. It was those little things that proved my admiration.

"Shut it, I don't like him." I denied. Infatuation? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it's not there, yet.

"Oh, God. She's in denial." she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not!" I sounded defensive.

"Aha, but you think he's cute, don't you." she pointed the nail file at me with a smirk.

"Ye---sn't, no! I mean yes! No--! Dammit! Can you leave?!" I stomped my foot in annoyance.

Maya cackled so loud at my response and almost fell from the high stool. Her hand held her stomach from so much laughter. Meanwhile I endured the pain of embarrassment and struggle.

"Your shift was over an hour ago. You can step out and go home." I opened the doors for her to leave.

"I'll take an overtime for my tardiness earlier." she smiled, cheekily. 

Eventually, after a lot of force, I managed to make her leave. Her teases only ended when she left into the dark streets of our town. I went behind the counter to replace Maya's absence and buried my face into the warmth of my hands. Until now, my ears are burning from shame. 

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