Chapter 7

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The convenience store's restacked shelves filled my heart with content. Another hectic day for a store clerk like me. Gratitude to my acquaintance though, Maya, who did absolutely nothing but contribute nonsense chatter. Anyway, I took her gossips as entertainment to keep me sane.

"Speaking about couples, are you together? Perhaps like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Maya asked and let out a high pitched chirp in anticipation.

"Who?" I asked after realizing a question was thrown at me. Somehow, it ended up about Beomgyu and I's relationship status.

"Oh, dear Lord! Maybe you and that case of Cola!" She said with sarcasm, her iris' disappearing to the back of her head. 

"No, dumbass." I answered in a low tone, quickly placing the newly cooked skewers I brought. It was quick to have her expression change to dismay: Her bright smile falling into an upside down crescent.

"So the intimacy you and Beomgyu had... was just an act? A joke?" She sounded rather hurt than disappointed, a bit dramatic too.

"Not for me though." I muttered, closing the glass case. It was the truth, but sometimes, I regret not telling lies.

"Oh my god!" Her squeal echoed like cymbals. It was so loud, I had to press my palms against my pained ears.

"For heck's sake, Maya! Tone it down!" I yelled. "People might think you're getting assaulted!"

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you! Oh my, love can really change a person!" she said, very much amused with the idea.

"I'm still me." I shrugged. "Hey, I know where this is going. I don't like him, okay?" I arched a brow at her with warning. A harsh scoff escaped her.

"Enough with the foolishness, Nessa. What I see in you two is a clear depiction of a potential couple. Go ahead, change my mind." She challenged.

I let out an exhale before moving to another aisle to restock. At this point, I have already had a taste of my defeat. Maya is as curious and determined as a detective searching for an alleged. What's the point in denying?

"If that's so, the answer is clear then." I spoke so quietly. I made sure the sound of chip bags crackling covered my words as they are placed on their respective places.

Maya became silent, which caught my attention. I turned my head to her direction. She has her elbows placed against the surface with her chin resting on her fists, an adoring stare given to me. My brows furrowed and quickly went back to work.

"I have never loved my hearing so much before," She whispered. "I've always known your growing admiration for that guitarist. But I want to hear it from you."

"Hear what?" I ruined the mood.

"Nessa, I swear to Go---! Good morning!" she held her curse after greeting a customer. Her eyes and nostrils enlarged in size before giving me a hint of death.

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