Chapter 9

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"Oh my God!" Kai's yell was quickly followed by his iconic dolphin scream. We all rushed to the kitchen to see what's going on.

"Kai, I told you not to wash the dishes." Yeonjun sighed, thinking the youngest broke another plate.

Kai stood against the counter holding his phone. Water droplets from the dishwashing gloves stained the device's screen. Even his apron was soaked. He looked at us in shock, switching his widened eyes from us to his phone. We all waited for his explanation, but all we got was silence and a parted mouth.

"Are you going to speak or..?" Soobin prolonged his question. Taehyun let out a sigh before turning to return back to the basement.

"I heard the scream! Oh my! Kai, are you okay?!" Bree stumbled to Taehyun out of hurry. She has a toothbrush in her mouth.

Without a word, Kai gathered us all in a tight embrace. "We made it." He broke in tears.

Beomgyu, who has Kai's arm around his neck, has his brows crossing in evident confusion, "What are you saying?"

There was silence.

Yeonjun pulled himself away from the hug and held Kai by the shoulders. "Talk to us properly!" He watched as Kai's eyes brimmed with tears.

Taehyun stood with a straight face and decided to seek for the answer himself. He grabbed the phone from Kai's hand and with a creased eyebrow, surfed through Kai's phone.

Beomgyu and I exchanged glances, both puzzled at Kai's actions. Soobin looked through the youngest's phone with Taehyun. As his iris' danced from left to right, his eyes enlarged in shock as the loudest gasp escaped his lips.

"It's a message from the event manager of the concert at the park last week!" Soobin began. "He's inviting the Full Eclipse to perform in his arena in New York!" He exclaimed with an applause in front of Taehyun's gape.

My head turned to the name of my dream destination. Yeonjun returned his attention to Kai with a smile slowly appearing on his lips. Beomgyu's beam of sunshine lit the whole room, even Taehyun managed to blurt a chime of joy.

"We're doing a concert... A proper one..." Kai said quietly, soul in the clouds.

"All to our own?" asked Beomgyu, his eyes expressed joy. His dream is coming true.

"That's so awesome!" Bree raised her toothbrush in the air. "Hold on, New York? Isn't your dream college in New York, Nessa?" Bree's enthusiasm added to her innocence.

I tried to force a smile. "Y-yes, of course!" The mixture of emotions turned my stomach upside down. My doubt, and my ecstacy for the band clashed with one another. It was a struggle to know what expression to depict.

Beomgyu noticed my discomfort and held my hand. Guilt began to arise. I know I shouldn't be feeling such a negative energy after hearing such great news nor should I ruin the atmosphere with it. But it was hard to stay calm. With a quick excuse to the ecstatic band, I let go of Beomgyu's hand and stepped out of the kitchen. I was immediately accompanied with paced footsteps behind.

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