Chapter 4

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"Good morning!" Bree beamed. Sunlight peeked through the glass door along with her smile, that is, brighter than the sun itself. I gave her a straight face. I wonder how she always seem to be so caffeinated all the time, more energized than a damn battery. 

"Why did you tell Beomie my name?!" 

It was the first thing Bree heard after walking in the store. I'm still greatly dumbfounded with what happened last night. Until dawn, the same scene of Beomie in the store is on loop in my head like a broken cassette tape. My shift just ended minutes ago and Bree came to see a zombie stuck in constant shock.

"Good morning to me, too!" Her enthusiasm remained, but was quickly replaced with confusion. "Woah there, did you just say Beomie?!" Her excitement blew.

"Did I stutter?" My face came contact with my hands as I rubbed it vigorously. 

"Oh my God! Hallelujah!" She joined me at the counter with a squeal. "You guys talked?!He went here?! Last night?! So when's the date?!" she asked simultaneously quick.  

"There's no date!" I exhaled. "He came as a customer and we had a small talk. Nothing special." I lied on the last part. 

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Nothing special? Lies." Dammit!

I found myself sitting back on my high stool with my hands intertwined over my head. "So you did tell him my name." I looked at her.

She grinned. "Questions need their answers, Nessa."

"He asked?!" There's no way he asked.

"No, my brother did." she said. Oh, Yeonjun did? 

I felt a hint of disappointment all of the sudden making me silent. So Beomie wasn't actually interested with knowing me? My shift of mood and confusing feelings were overwhelming to deal with. I'm not intoxicated with alcohol, but I'm not sober at all. 

"Your brother asked for my name?" I cleared my throat, trying not to sound too affected.

"Beomie is in the room when bro asked, so I guess he heard," Bree gave a shrug and a quiet laugh. "So stop complaining! At least now you know your crush's name!" 

"Who said I'm complaining?!" My voice raised in defense. I immediately bit my tongue. "W-well, you're correct! I am complaining!" 

She snorted at my attempt, "God, Nessa. What a bad liar." She shook her head in disbelief.

I wanted to go, but I can't leave the store alone. I can't leave without the next associate. I'm waiting for Maya as she is assigned for the morning shift. Knowing her, she will be late. That only meant I have to be with Bree a little longer than I have hoped for. 

Bree pulled a pout after glancing at the empty case of skewers. Having no choice, she went to the refrigerators and grabbed a can of Cola, got a hotdog, and instant ramen for her breakfast. She passed me her payment for last night's purchase and today.

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