Chapter 6

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"No, Bree. He's not my prince charming." I told the dumpling looking student I'm tutoring.

Chewing her pencil's eraser as she pointed it at me, Bree let out a cackle. She brought her hands together near her chin and exhaled in a joyous manner. Her daydreams began while I stared at her in disbelief. I shook my head, yet couldn't exactly deny Bree's words. Beomgyu that night was more than a prince charming for saving me from harm.

"Bree, I need you to focus." I pertained to her unfinished Math worksheet.

"Oh, Nessa. Stop being an in denial queen and accept the fact he was your Knight in shining armor!" she continued and had completely lost her discipline.

Ever since I've told her what happened, she kept on finding a way to insert the incident in between our tutor sessions. Worst, she only cares about the 'saving' part, not the actual harm that happened to us! 

I placed the new files of photocopied paper on her desk. "It's been a week, Bree. Move on," I sighed heavily. "Focus on your assignment, will 'ya? Answer these, too." It served as her punishment.

Her cackle subsided after I handed new math worksheets for her to answer. I almost laughed. She rushed to fix her posture.

"Ok, I'm sorry! I'll shut up now." Her voice broke and begged to move the worksheets for tomorrow. "I've had enough math already!"

I gave her an authoritative smile before walking past her seat, giving her shoulder a light tap. That simple gesture hinted her lack of choice. No matter what, she has to finish those worksheets today.

I stood to stretch near the open window. The view exhibited the mesmerizing scenery of the school's garden, highlighting the sun's orange hue as it sets beneath the far horizons. Bree's semester's break was over a week ago, which meant my return to my daily tutors with her. In addition, I was reassigned to my original shift schedule which ranges to after school to near midnight. I'm happy about it. My sleep schedule is healing.

"How do I get 'x' again? Ugh, why do I even have to do this when I never had one anyway." She nagged, flashing me short glances. It's her way of saying she messed up and forgot the formula.

"Bree?" The principal knocked twice before calling his daughter. "Oh, Miss Nessa." He noticed my presence.

"Dad, perfect!" Bree leaped at the sight of his father. "It's go home time! See, Nessa? We should continue this tomorrow." Bree smiled at me with glistening eyes. I pulled my upper lip.

Before I could say anything, Bree stood and gathered the scattered worksheets on her desk placing them neatly in a folder. I met eyes with her father and gave him a 'that's your daughter' look. He shrugged in return, and like Bree, always seem to be clueless. 

I crossed my arms, as if I have an option. "Fine. Tomorrow morning it is." Her jaw fell.

"Bree, it's getting dark. Your mother is waiting for you." The principal pushed his round glasses up his nose. There I noticed his thick briefcase that made him stand not farther by the door. "I have a dinner meeting at the city. I might come home after dusk." he informed which was quickly replied by a nod.

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