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Y/N landed on top of Tony, who had protectively wrapped his arms around her. Tears slipped threw her clenched eyes as the helicarrier rocked some more.

"It's okay..." Tony whispered. "You'll be okay."

Having been throw beside them, Steve looked up in time to witness the interaction, confused. "Tony, put on the suit!"

"Yep!" Tony responded. "Get somewhere safe," he went back to whispering to Y/N. "I'll find you after."

Steve helped the two up. "Y/N, are you okay?"

"Yes," she weakly nodded.

"I don't believe yo-"

"Just go, Stevie! You can question me after we aren't falling from the sky!"

The men ran off. She watched as Fury sat up, clutching his ribs. He threw an earpiece at her before putting on in himself.

"Hill?!" He called.

"Number 3 engine is down!" Hill responded. "We lose one more engine, we won't be in the air anymore. Somebody's got to get inside and patch that engine."

"Stark! You copy that?"

"I'm on it!" Stark responded.

"Coulson! Initiate official lock down in the detention section then get to the armory!" Fury turned to Y/N. "You need to get somewhere safe! If Loki gets out or his people get in, they'll come after you."

"Of course, sir!"

Y/N ran out of the lab and down the hall. The hall was crowded with agents running the opposite direction, but she continued on. Y/N knew that both Tony and Fury had told her to get somewhere safe, but Fury had told Coulson to go to the detention block alone. She raced to the armory. Y/N knew that Coulson would go there first before locking down the detention block.

"Y/N," Coulson yelled, as they arrived there together. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to help you," she answered.

"You need to get somewhere safe."

"Not until I know that Loki's not going to get out!"

The helicarrier quickly tilted, causing both Coulson and Y/N to slide into the wall. Over the comms, the two could tell that another engine had been compromised. Y/N began to try her best to keep herself calm. Coulson helped her up before going up to the armory door and scanning them in. Y/N followed, carefully, as Coulson went through the weapons until he thought he had found the biggest one.

"Do you know how to use that?" Y/N wondered.

"Not a clue," Coulson answered. "But there's no time to figure it out right now. We need to lock down the detention block."

The two of them ran as fast as they could to the detention block. They arrived in time to see that Thor was in the cell, clear cracks in the glass from where he had tried to escape.

"The humans think us immortal," Loki stated, heading for the cell's control panel. "Should we test that?"

Y/N quickly knocked out the SHIELD agent that was being controlled by Loki. The noise of the guard falling caught Thor's and Loki's attentions.

"Move away, please," Coulson said, aiming the weapon at Loki. The god of mischief slowly moved away from the panel. "You like this?" Coulson motioned to the gun as him and Y/N started inching forward. "We started working not he prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does." Phil pressed a button on the weapon, causing it to turn on. "Do you wanna find out?"

Before anything else could be said, Coulson gasped. Y/N looked beside her to see Loki had stabbed Phil in the heart with his scepter.

"Phil!" She cried.

"Nooo!" Thor shouted.

The Loki in front of them disappeared, leaving the real Loki behind them. Loki pulled the scepter out of Phil, causing the man to slump against the wall.

"Phil!" Y/N cried again, kneeling beside him.

She put her hands against his chest, trying to slow the blood cascading out of him. Loki moved back to the control panel, giving his brother one last look before opening the hatch and sending Thor falling out of the ship inside of the cell.

"You got to stay awake for me," Y/N pleaded, tears falling down her face. "I'll call for help. Just stay awake, Phil."

"You will do no such thing," Loki stated, pointing the scepter at her. "You will come with me." Loki grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her up. "You will come with me, or everyone on this ship will die quicker than planned."

"You're gonna lose," Phil said, in a weak voice.

"Am I?" Loki questioned.

"It's in your nature."

"Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky... where is my disadvantage?"

"You lack conviction."

"I don't think I-"

Phil suddenly shot Loki with the weapon, sending the god through the wall behind him. "So that's what it does." He turns to look at Y/N. "You need to run."

"I can't leave you!" Y/N said.

But it was too late, Loki was suddenly behind Y/N, knocking her out. She fell into Loki's arms.

"She won't help you," Phil said.

"She won't have a choice," Loki responded.


Fury arrived in the detention block after Loki had been flown away by his guards and after noticing that the hatch was open. The Director found his dear friend alive, but barely.

"Sorry, boss," Phil said, as Fury knelt down beside him. "The god rabbited."

"Just stay awake," Fury ordered. "Eyes on me!"

"No, I'm clocked out here."

"Not an option."

"He took Agent Rogers... She followed me here..."

"Of course she did. Come on, Coulson, eyes here!"

"It's okay, boss. This was never going to work... if they didn't have something... to..." And Agent Phillip Coulson took his last breath, just as the medical team arrived.

Fury stood up, taking a few steps back. "Agent Coulson is down," Fury informed the others, over the comms.

"A medical team is on its way to your location," a SHIELD agent responded.

"They're here... They called it... And... Agent Rogers has been taken."

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