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Y/N was immediately taken to the medical floor of the Tower as soon as she arrived. There was still no sign of her waking up anytime soon, and that terrified Tony and Steve. They both diligently stayed by her side. Bruce, and the other doctors Tony hired, made frequent check-ins. And, honestly, seeing no progress, for better or worse, was scaring Bruce.

It had been two weeks since the surgery when Skye appeared at the doors of Avengers Tower. JARVIS had made her presence known and Tony recognized her as a member of Y/N's team, immediately letting the woman up. Tony knew that if anyone knew what happened with Y/N, it would be Skye. Tony met her as she exited the elevator.

"Skye, right?" Tony clarified.

"Yes," she responded. "I'm here to check on Y/N."

"I'll let you see her, but first you have to explain to me what happened."

"Has she not explained to you?"

"She hasn't woken up."

"What? No..."

"So, I want to know who did this and why."

Skye sighed. "His name is Grant Ward."

"Ward? He's the one who brought Y/N in that one time, and kissed her."

"Wait a minute, he did what?" Skye was clearly surprised. "He kissed her?"

"Yes, right before she came home the last time."

"I didn't... she didn't tell me that... that bastard..."

"I agree that that man's a bastard, but are you telling me that Ward shot her?"

Skye nodded before explaining how Ward was secretly HYDRA and needed Skye to help him get SHIELD information. She explained how she found Agent Koenig before she found Y/N. "I was too late with Koenig, but I found Y/N still breathing. So I tied a blanket around her and flipped her onto her stomach. She was found by the other team members and helped a little more, but she was still dying by the time special force raided the base. We let them take her."

"Is Ward still alive?"

"We have him in prisoned. We are planning on keeping him alive for intel on HYDRA."


"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but I'm not at liberty to say. For everyone's sake."

"I am done with the secrets surrounding this team! I want to know the truth!"

"Y/N can tell you when she wakes. Just, please, let me see her."

Tony sighed, frustrated with the whole situation. "Fine. Just tell me this, how did you survive?"

"There was this drug, but it's gone now. And, unfortunately, I don't think that it's safe to use..."

"But you're standing here in front of me, alive."

"We don't know the long term side effects of the drug. I wouldn't use it on anyone, personally."

Tony simply studied Skye for a few silently minutes before motioning for her to follow him. She was close behind, quietly being led to the room. It crushed her heart to see Y/N in the condition she was. Skye stood froze at the door until Steve stood up and walked over to her.

"Steve Rogers," he introduced himself, holding out a hand.

"Skye," she replied, shaking his hand. "I was on Y//N's SHIELD team. I came to check on her."

"That's very nice of you." Steve turned to Tony. "I'm just going to grab something to eat. You want anything?"

"More coffee," Tony responded, moving to his normal spot by Y/N's side.

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