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Tony had drunk and partied all night and day before the opening ceremony of the Stark Expo. Y/N, Pepper, and Tony were currently on a jet, flying to the expo. Tony was going to arrive there via Iron Man suit. Y/N nervously bit the inside of her cheek as her and Pepper watched Tony throw up. She was nervous about Tony using the suit. Y/N had called Fury for help a few weeks ago, and sent him the information JARVIS let her see, but hadn't heard anything back. Fury had told her that he would handle it, and she trusted that. She just didn't understand why she hadn't heard anything yet.

Tony and Y/N had been on the rocks as of late. Y/N kept asking what was wrong and Tony kept denying that something was wrong. So he ended up pushing her away. Which was actually hurting the both of them.

"I'm not going to make it," Tony whispered into the toilet bowl. "Oh my, gosh," he groaned, throwing up. "I'm not going to make it. Oh gosh!" He threw up again. "I'm serious. Give me a little space." He waved towards Pepper and Y/N who were leaning against the doorway of the jet bathroom, watching him suffer. "I can't-"

"Get up," Pepper commanded, obviously done with his dramatics.

"Oh, gosh," he groaned again. "I can't go through with it, I'm telling you." Tony slowly sat up, leaning against the wall.

"We don't have time for this," Y/N exclaimed. "We have to go."

"Oh gosh," Tony closed the toilet lid, "you don't want to see that." He flushed the toilet before standing up and using the doorway to hold himself up. "Where am I?" He panted. "Do I look weird?"

"You look like you look everyday," Pepper said. "You look like you have a hangover." Y/N and Pepper began guiding him towards the doors.

"Mist me with a Sheen thrower, will you? I literally almost just died in there. Give me some toast, give me some crackers. Ginger ale, anything. Give me some Advil." Tony made his way to a seat.

"We don't have Advil," Y/N said. "We have Motrin."

"Motrin?" Tony faced Y/N. "I'm telling you there is something seriously wrong-"

"Yes, there is something seriously wrong-"

"-with giving a grown man Motrin!"

"-with you! It's a brand name!"

"I'm not on my cycle, Y/N!"

"It's ibuprofen!" Pepper added.

An alarm began beeping and a man started talking over the PA, notifying them that it was time for Tony to jump. Pepper grabbed Tony's arm and pulled him up.

"Abort mission!" Tony shouted. "There it is!" Tony pointed to an oxygen mask connected to the wall, stumbling towards it as Pepper tried to guide him. "Abort! Tell him to stop saying we're dropping."

"We're not-" Pepper began as Tony grabbed the mask and continued shouting.

"I am not doing this mission!" Tony stuffed his face into the mask. Y/N simply stood back and rolled her eyes.

"We're not aborting the mission. Do you have any idea the level of coordination it took for the DOD to approve this?"

"We are over the drop zone, Tony!" Y/N exclaimed, done with the way he was acting.

"What?" He turned around to face her.


"Let's do this, baby," he whispered, huskily, before walking over to the ramp. The two women followed, stopping beside Tony. He quickly turned and grabbed Y/N by the arms. "I know I can be selfish sometimes. And I know I don't say it enough." Wow, was Tony Stark actually going to thank her? Apologize? Or at least saw something nice? "But how's my hair?" Or not.

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