hundred eight

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The months went by fast and before anyone knew it, it was May 2016. Y/N was at the Tower, nervously watching the news. The new team had gone on a mission to Lagos, where Rumlow, now going as Crossbones, assaulted the Institute for Infectious Disease. He detonated a suicide bomb, in which Wanda tried to contain. Unfortunately, the explosion damages a building, killing civilians.

Mean while, Tony was at MIT, giving a speech, introducing his new invention BARF, and introducing the September Foundation Grant. Y/N hadn't heard from him, which made her nervous as well. She jumped in surprise when her phone began ringing, she quickly answered it.

"Nat?" She said. "How is everyone? Are you all okay?"

"He needs you," Natasha responded.

"Where are you?"

"I'm outside the training room in the facility."

Y/N quickly hung up and appeared next to Natasha through a portal.

"I saw the news. It's bad. They're putting all the blame on Wanda. Is that why he's in there?"

"No," Nat shook her head. "Rumlow mentioned Bucky."

"What? W-wh-what did he say?"

"That Bucky knew you, knew the both of you. That, after we discovered the truth in DC, he remembered the two of you." Tears filled Y/N's eyes. "Rumlow teased that his brain was put back in the blender."

"No." Y/N looked up, trying to stop the tears. "I can't go in there like this... it's no help to him."

"Take your time." Natasha rubbed Y/N's arm. "I just felt you were the only one who could understand."

"No, thanks, Nat. Seriously." Y/N turned towards the door, taking a deep breath. "I can do this."

She quietly entered the training room. Steve was in the middle, taking his feelings out on a punching bag. Looking around, Y/N could see three new ones laying behind him and, what she guessed to be, about five bags torn to shreds around him. She carefully walked over.

"Steve," she called calmly, only to be ignored. "Steve... Stevie." She sighed. "Nat told me what happened."

"I let him get to me," Steve grunted. "That shouldn't have happened."

"Rumlow was playing you, Steve. It's not your fault. He just knew right where it hurt... it would have gotten me too..."

"I don't know whether or not to believe him... did he really remember us?"

"It's not your fault, Steve. There's nothing you could have done then to save Bucky."

"I could have fought harder for him to remember."

"And then what? He probably would have ran anyway, Stevie. We don't know how that was going to play out... can you stop that for one second and look at me?" With a huff, Steve did as he was told. Y/N walked up and rested her hands on his face. "None of this is your fault. What happened with Bucky or Lagos."

"But I'm the Captain. It's my responsibility to-"

"Yes, you are the Captain but you are also on a team, Stevie. And teams take the hits together... it was cruel for Rumlow to mention Bucky. So very, very cruel... Please don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. I already have one man in my life that insists on doing that. I really don't know if I can have two."

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Steve wrapped Y/N in his arms and pulled her into him. "Thank you for coming."

"You should be thanking Nat for calling me."

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